Which phrase best defines an epic simile?

a. a figure of speech in which one thing is spoken of as if it were something else
b. a literary technique that involves differences between meaning and intention
c. a work created in imitation of another
d. a long, elaborate comparison between two dissimilar actions or objects***

Read the following sentence from Betty Bonham Lies's retelling of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice:

"Orpheus's music was so compelling that even the ice-hard heart of Hades melted."

What is the effect of the hyperbole as it is used here?

a. It compares Orpheus' music to Hades' heart.
b. It emphasizes the power of Orpheus' music.***
c. It explains Hades is affected by all music.
d. It demonstrates how Orpheus' music is beautiful.

does Odysseus' sense of curiosity affect the progress of the plot in The Odyssey?

a. His curiosity hinders his journey back home.***
b. His curiosity hinders his escape from Calypso.
c. His curiosity compels him to enter the archery contest.
d. His curiosity compels him to visit his aging father.

Which phrase best defines an epic simile?

-a figure of speech in which one thing is spoken of as if it were something else
-a literary technique that involves differences between meaning and intention
-a work created in imitation of another
-a long, elaborate comparison between two dissimilar actions or objects***

In the selection from Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad, how is Penelope transformed from the obedient, loyal wife seen in The Odyssey into a different woman?
-She has become fearful and cowardly
-She has become confident and empowered***
-She has become weary of Odysseus's stories
-She has becomes weary of waiting for Odysseus

Read the following sentence from Betty Bonham Lies's retelling of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice:
"Orpheus's music was so compelling that even the ice-hard heart of Hades melted."
What is the effect of the hyperbole as it is used here?
-It explains how Hades is affected by all music
-It emphasizes the power of Orpheus's music.***
-It compares Orpheus's music to Hades's heart
-It demonstrates how Orpheus's music is beautiful

How does Odysseus' sense of curiosity affect the progress of the plot in The Odyssey?
-His curiosity hinders his journey back home.***
-His curiosity hinders his escape from Calypso
-His curiosity compels him to enter the archery contest.
-His curiosity compels him to visit his aging father

Edgar Allan Poe uses foreshadowing in "The Cask of Amontillado" to create mystery in which of the following quotes?
-"He had on a tight-fitting parti-striped dress, and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells."
-"And as for Luchresi, he cannot distinguish Sherry from Amontillado."
-"'You? Impossible! A Mason?' 'A Mason,' I replied. 'A sign,' he said, 'a sign.'"***
-"I forced the last stone into its position; I plastered it up."

In "The Most Dangerous Game," Zaroff is defeated by Rainsford's hunting skills and also by his
-own overconfidence***
-loss of Ivan
-inattention to detail
-inferior hunting skills

Read the following line from Poe's "The Raven":
"Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."
Which poetic device does Poe use in this line?

Read the following quote from "The Morning of June 28, 1948":
"It was not my first published story, nor my last, but I have been assured over and over that if it had been the only story I ever wrote or published, there would be people who would not forget my name."
What does this quote suggest about the public's feelings toward "The Lottery?"
-Readers were deeply affected by Jackson's story***
-Readers looked forward to Jackson's next publication
-Readers would study her short story and try to mimic its success
-Readers were persuaded to buy more copies of the New Yorker

Which of the author's specific word choices in the following passage from "The Morning of June 28, 1948, and "The Lottery'" best impacts the article's tone?
"On the morning of June 28, 1948, I walked down to the post office in out little Vermont town to pick up the mail. I was quite casual about it, as I recall - I opened the box, took out a couple of bills and a letter or two, talked to the postmaster for few minutes, and left, never supposing that it was the last time for months that I would pick up the mail without an active feeling of panic."
-in our little Vermont town
-active feeling of panic***
-talked to the postmaster for a few minutes
-I opened the box

In "The Gift of the Magi," what is the irony in O. Henry's description of Madame Sofronie, the hair dealer?
-Della gets less money for her hair that she had expected
-Madame Sofronie has changed so much that Della does not recognize her.
-Madame Sofronie speaks little English, so Della has trouble explaining what she wants.
-Madame Sofronie's name leads us to expect elegance, but she looks ordinary instead.***

For what reason does Shirley Jackson likely use stock characters in "The Lottery?"
-to draw attention the story's plot and theme***
-to teach readers about stock characters
-to order events in the story
-to create irony throughout the story

Which of the following lines from Marge Piercy's poem "To Be of Use" best demonstrates the speaker's view that work is gratifying?
-"Botched, it smears the hands, crumbles to dust."
-"Greek amphoras for wine or oil,"
-"The pitcher cries for water to carry"
-"and a person for work that is real."***

Which of the following lines from "I Hear America Singing" best expresses the poem's theme that many people contribute to America?
-"I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear."***
-"The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam."
-"The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work,"
-The day what belongs to the day-at night the party of young fellows, robust, friendly,"

Read the following lines from Marge Piercy's "To Be of Use":
"The people I love the best
jump into work head first
without dallying in the shallows
and swim off with sure strokes almost out of sight.
They seem to become natives of that element,
the black sleek heads of seals
bouncing like half-submerged balls."
Which language best contributes to the enthusiastic tone of the poem?
-"jump into work head first"***
-"without dallying in the shallows"
-"the black sleek heads of seals"
-"bouncing like half-submerged balls."

Read the following lines from Edgar Allan Poe's "The Bells":
"What a tale their terror tells
Of *Despair*!
How they *clang*, and *clash*, and *roar*!
What a *horror* they outpour
On the bosom of the palpitating air!"
What tone do the * words help create?

Which of the following shows the correct parenthetical citation from page 20 of an article in the July 1999 issue of Starburst magazine called "I Robot," written by Melissa J. Perenson?
-(I Robot 30)
-(Starburst 20)
-(Perenson 30)***
-("I Robot," Starburst 30)

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.
One of the female players left ______ hat in the locker room.

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.
The best player to watch is _____.

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.
The first in line at the theater were _____.
-she and him

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.
Karina and _____ are working together to build the model.

Identify the sentence in which the underlined verb does NOT agree with its subject.
-Everyone on the team *works* together well.
-Both of them *are looking* forward to the field trip.
-Neither of the boys *is excited* about playing football.
-One of the girls *are* going to enter the singing contest.***

Identify the sentence in which the underlined verb does NOT agree with its subject.
-The books on this table *are* all about ancient Rome.
-Most of this document *are* written in Latin.***
-Nick and Barry *are* studying the history of weather forecasting
-There *is* nothing in these books about climate

Identify the degree of comparison for the underlined word.
Mr. Martinez has a cat that is even *bigger* than yours!
-none of the above

Identify the degree of comparison for the underlined word.
She holds the school record for the *fastest* time for that competition.
-none of the above

Identify the word that has an error in capitalization.
Esther studied drama at Yale University.
-no error***

Identify the word that has an error in capitalization.
Did you know that the largest lake in North America is Lake Superior?
-no error***

Identify the INCORRECTLY punctuated sentence.
-I went to the library and checked out two books, a movie, and an audio recording.
-I promised to be on time for the art show so that I could help sign up the participants.
-I want to learn more about Ireland, but my classmates prefer to study Scotland.
-My homework includes reading a story, writing a paragraph and finishing some math problems.***

Identify the INCORRECTLY punctuated sentence.
-Several new books, albums, and DVDs are on sale today.
-The door is hanging by its rusty iron hinge, and it may fall at any moment.
-I had a busy, industrious day at work today.
-The lime, green walls have not been painted.***

On a Works Cited page, which of the following should NOT be in italics?
-title of an essay***
-title of an book
-title of a magazine
-title of a play

Identify the correctly punctuated sentence in each group.
-We forgot Mark ticket at our hotel.
-We forgot Mark's ticket at our hotel.***
-We forgot Marks' ticket at our hotel.
-We forgot Marks's ticket at our hotel.

Identify the correctly punctuated sentence in each group.
-The detective said Time is of the essence.
-The detective said, "Time is of the essence."***
-The detective said "Time is of the essence."
-The detective said "Time is of the essence."

If you were writing a brief profile of Rosa Parks explaining why you admire her, which of the following sentences would make the best thesis statement?
-In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus.
-Rosa Parks's refusal to give up her seat sparkled the Montgomery Bus Boycott
-Many people believe that Rosa Parks was a great woman.
-Rosa Parks showed the country how one of courage can make a difference.***

The sound device of alliteration involves repetition of which of the following?
-vowel sounds
-consonant sounds***
-both vowels and consonants
-whole lines of poetry

Which of the following would NOT always require a citation in a research paper?
-quotation of a phrase
-quotation of a sentence
-thesis statement***
-sentence paraphrased from a book

Which of the following parenthetical citations is placed and punctuated correctly?
-Edgar Allan Poe was born in Massachusetts in the early nineteenth century (Freeman 311).***
-Edgar Allan Poe (Freeman 311) was born in Massachusetts in the early nineteenth century.
-Edgar Allan Poe (Freeman, 311) was born in Massachusetts in the early nineteenth century.
-Edgar Allan Poe was born in Massachusetts in the early nineteenth century. (Freeman, 311)

A _____ provides the author's last name and page number for paraphrased or quoted information within the body of a report or essay.
-Works Cited page
-parenthetical citation***

Which of the following is a specific word as opposed to a general word?

Choose the topic that best limits the broad subject architecture.
-famous architects
-historic building in Europe
-modern architectural marvels
-the history of the Golden Gate Bridge***

Use your knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of the italicized word in the sentence below.
Rice grows in *profusion* in some parts of the southern United States.
-great quality
-great quantity***
-poor quality
-small quantity

Which of the following is the most negative connotation of the word *absconded*?

Which of the following is the denotation of the word ambitious?
-driven and successful
-determined to succeed***
-greedy and materialistic

Use context clues to determine the meaning of the italicized word in the sentence below.
An umpire should be *impartial*, showing no preference for either team.

Which prefix would you add to the noun *Colonialism* to make the work meaning "after the period of Colonialism?"
- post-***
- ante-
- pre-
- mid

*Use the passage to answer the question.*
Which sentence best supports the argument in the letter?
-Allowing students to participate in things they are good at will enhance their self-esteem.***
-Focusing students on their grades will help them many years later.
-The school district has changed over the past few years.
-The school has added several extracurricular activities in the past year.

Jill wants to write an essay comparing books and the Internet.
She has made the following table
*refer to table in test*
Which statement belongs in the empty box?
-Its influence is more recent
-It requires equipment that is more costly
-Its information is more widespread***
-It involves less interaction with people

Fill in the blank with the correct answer for the following questions. Be sure you have spelled your answer correctly, and do not include any extra spaces or punctuation.

Using an idea from an online or print source in your own paper without proper citation is called _______.

A secondary character in a story that the author uses to highlight the protagonist's personality or characteristics is called a ________.

The use of an unreliable narrator can heighten the _______ in a story.

The term _______ refers to the use of words that name a particular sound, such as hiss, and is sometimes used in poetry.

The name of Juliet's kinsman whom Romeo killed was _________.

These are the answers for the Honors English. <33

Snoopy. I love you

Nolana I'm pretty sure a lot of your answers are wrong

Guys, don't use the answers above because the English course randomizes the questions every few days. So Connexus guy was right at one point of time, however, the answers were flipped in a different order.

1: b an extended comparison that uses like or as

2: b it exaggerates Orpheus's beautiful music so that readers understand how powerful an effect Orpheus's music has
3: d Odysseus and his men blind the cyclops
4: a "You are a man to be missed"
5: a own overconfidence
6: a alliteration
7: b "Your story has kicked up quite a fuss around the office"
8: d no heavenly signs to warn me
9: c the protagonists struggle for something that proves to be useless
10: b readers focus on the mysterious plot events instead of the characters
11: "I love people who harness themselves, an ox to a heavy cart"
12: "I hear America singing, the varied carols i hear"
13: "jump into the work head first"
14: frightful
15: simile
16: (perenson 30)
17: her
18: me
19: we
20: she
21: one of the girls are going to enter the singing contest
22: there are no information to support those ratings
23: positive
24: superlative
25: no error
26: judge
27: fred slipped on the ice, spaining his finger, and his wrist
28: the lime, green walls have not been painted
29: title of an article
30: we forgot Mark's ticket at our hotel
31: the man said, "turn right at the corner."
32: challenging the notion that jumping genes are junk genes, recent biological research suggests that they may actually play a major role in evolution including human evolution
33: metaphor
34: information from common knowledge
35: edgar allan poe was born in massachusetts in the early nineteenth century (freeman 311)
36: bibliography
37: praying mantis
38: history of the star spangled banner
39: great quantity
40: catastrophe
41: determined to succeed
42: compensation as punishment
43: post-
44: there are many alternative sources of transportation available to teens with jobs
45: no need to find parking

You guys need to be more descriptive, that way we'll know which answers are ours.

These are the answers for Unit 6 Lesson 2 English Semester Exam (NOT HONORS) also this what my test had so I'm sorry if it got switched for yours

1. Is not limited to a single, distinct image, but is more complex
2.It emphasizes the power Orpheus music
3.Odysseus and his men blind the cyclops
4."you are a man to be missed"
5.He lets Rainsford go to prolong the hunt
7."I wanted to tell him I knew the author, but after I heard what he was saying I decided I'd better not"
8.active feeling of panic
9.The protagonist struggle for something that proves to be useless
10.The stock characters are representative of any person in any town
11."And a person for work that is real"
12."I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear"
13."Jump into work head first"
16.(Fielding 111)
21.neither of the twins are interested in sports
22.there are no information to support those ratings
27.fred slipped on the ice, spraining his finger, and his wrist
28.She cooked a delicious healthy meal
29.title of a story
30.who borrowed Celeste's biology books?
31.The detective said, "Time is of the essence."
32.evidence from a number of expert sources suggest that school design more nutritious lunch menus
33.consonant sounds
34.infomation from common knowledge
35.the only casualty on Lewis and Clark's trip died from appendicitis (David 104).
36.Works cited page
38.history of "the star-spangled banner"
39.great quality
42.made impossible in advance
44.there are many alternative sources of transportation available to teens with jobs.
45.provides good execise

hopefully your questions are the same as mine and I didn't type this up for nothing. good luck!!!

Each course difference has different answer. There is Standard, Honors and AP English. Therefore, each different set of answers is a different course variation.

write out the answers plz it helps

I don't know what to use...which answers do i use because i have 2 day left until the end of the school year