Under the Soviet system, the government

controlled all forms of communication.
allowed newspapers to print whatever they wanted.
controlled editorials but not the reporting of news.
encouraged access to a wide variety of news sources.

To determine the correct answer to this question, we can analyze the information available on the Soviet system. The Soviet system refers to the political, economic, and social structure implemented in the former Soviet Union.

Under the Soviet system, the government had strict control over various aspects of society, including communication. To find the most accurate answer, we need to consider the options provided:

a. Controlled all forms of communication: This option implies that the government had complete control over all means of communication, which aligns with the nature of the Soviet system.

b. Allowed newspapers to print whatever they wanted: This option suggests that newspapers had freedom of press and could publish any content they desired. However, this contradicts the understanding that the Soviet government maintained control over communication.

c. Controlled editorials but not the reporting of news: This option implies a distinction between editorial content and news reporting, suggesting the government may have controlled editorials while allowing free reporting. However, this is not consistent with the Soviet system's overarching control.

d. Encouraged access to a wide variety of news sources: This option suggests that the government promoted diverse news sources and encouraged access to different perspectives. However, based on the nature of the Soviet system, this is unlikely to be true.

After analyzing the options, we can conclude that the most accurate answer is:

a. Controlled all forms of communication: This aligns with the Soviet system's characteristic of strict government control over various aspects of society, including communication.

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Under the Soviet system, the government