I am creating a resource page for an essay. Problem is a lot of my citations came from the same online encyclopedia which list its author as "Wikipedia contributors" So all the pages reference the same except the article title and url. The in text citation also comes out the same for all "Wikipedia (2006)" Therefore there is no way for a person to know which page the reference came from. What can I do?????

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is the main page for Wikipedia. I would use the HELP option as to the use of this reference.


I understand that you're facing a problem with your resource page for an essay, specifically regarding citations from the same online encyclopedia that list the author as "Wikipedia contributors." Since all the pages have the same in-text citation as "Wikipedia (2006)," it becomes challenging for readers to identify the specific page you're referencing.

To address this issue, one possible solution is to use the URL of each specific page in your citations instead of the general URL for the main page of Wikipedia. By including the URL of each individual page, you can provide readers with a direct link to the source you're referencing, allowing them to locate the exact page within the encyclopedia.

Here's an example of how you can modify your citation:

Original citation: Wikipedia (2006)

Modified citation: Wikipedia contributors. "Article Title." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, 1 Jan. 2006, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Title.

By providing the specific article title and its corresponding URL, readers will be able to access the exact page you're referring to. Remember to replace "Article Title" with the actual title of the specific Wikipedia page you used as a source. Additionally, include the date of access if required by your citation style.

Furthermore, it's always a good practice to consult the official guidelines and recommendations of the citation style you're using, as they may provide specific instructions on how to handle sources with general authors like "Wikipedia contributors." This will ensure that your citations meet the required standards and provide the necessary information for your readers to locate the sources.