When do you use Ser vs Estar?

is there some kind of memory tool I can use?

This site has a good explanation and a good memory tool.


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Try to "memorize" the following:

1. to express a quality or characteristic of the subject
ex. Este vino es de España.
This wine is from Spain
La casa es de madera.
The house is made of wood.
(It's a wooden house.)
Felipe es bueno.
Felipe is good. (always)

2. to describe or identify the subject
ex. María es alta (joven).
Mary is tall (young).
Mi coche es nuevo.
My car is new (brand new)
Mi hermano es médico (fuerte).
My brother id a doctor (strong).
Juana es rica (feliz).
Jane is rich (wealthy) (happy).
¿Quién es? Soy yo.
Who is it? It is I.

3. to express time and dates, and with impersonal expressions.
ex. ¿Qué hora es? Son las dos.
What time is it? It's 2.
Hoy es el 25 de octubre.
Today is October 25th.
Es necesario estudiar.
It is necessary to study.

4. to express an action when used with the past participle.
ex. Las ventanas fueron cerrados por la profesora.
The windows were closed by the teacher.
La puerta fue abierta por el niño.
The door was opened by the child.


1. to express location, position, or situation of the subject. (temporary situation)
ex. Madrid está en España.
Madrid is (located) in Spain.
¿Dónde está la casa?
Where is the house? (located)
Felipe está delante de la biblioteca.
Philip is in front of the library.

2. to indicate a state or condition of the subject.
ex. María está cansada (sentada).
María is tired (now) (seated).
El coche está lleno (sucio).
The car is full (dirty).
Ellos están alegres (tristes).
They are happy (sad).
Luis está enfermo (bien).
Louis is ill (sick) (well).
La puerta está abierta (cerrada).
The door is (temporarily) open (closed).

3. to form the progressive tense with the gerund.
ex. Están cantando.
They are singing.
Estaban jugando.
They were playing

NOTE: If you have just begun Spanish, not all these examples will make sense to you. Save them for later!

CAUTION (here's the "trouble spot.")
Some adjectives may be used woith either ser or estar, but the meaning of the adjective will be different!

Es bueno (malo).
He is good (bad) = characteristic

Está bueno (malo).
He is well (ill). = condition

Es listo.
He is clever (smart). = characteristic

Está listo.
He is ready. = condition

Es pálido.
He is pale-complexioned. = description, identification)

Está pálido.
He is (looks) pale. = condition

Es seguro.
It is safe (reliable). = description

Está seguro.
He is sure. = condition; state of mind)

El color es vivo.
The color is bright. = description

Está vivo.
He is aliv. = state; phase)

Es viejo (joven).
He is old (young). = description

Está viejo (joven).
He looks (seems) old (young). = condition

El es cansado.
He is tiresome. = characteristic

El está cansado.
He is tired. = condition, state

NOTE that adjectives used with ser and estar must agree in number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine) just like all adjectives.

Now, you might try "color coding" what doesn't want to stay with you = bilious green, yellow, etc. because that helps to "set" it in your mind.

Feel free to ask any questions you might have and one learns best by doing lots of examples!


In Spanish, the verbs "ser" and "estar" both translate to the English verb "to be," but they are used in different contexts. "Ser" is used to express essential or permanent qualities, while "estar" is used to express temporary states or conditions.

To help remember when to use "ser" vs. "estar," you can use the acronym DOCTOR and PLACE:

- D stands for Descriptions: Use "ser" when describing inherent characteristics of a person or object. For example, "Juan es alto" (Juan is tall).

- O stands for Occupations: Use "ser" when talking about someone's profession or occupation. For example, "Mi abuela es médica" (My grandmother is a doctor).

- C stands for Characteristics: Use "ser" when describing physical and personality traits. For example, "La casa es grande" (The house is big), or "Ella es simpática" (She is nice).

- T stands for Time: Use "ser" to express the time, day, or date. For example, "Son las dos de la tarde" (It is two o'clock in the afternoon).

- O stands for Origin: Use "ser" to express someone's nationality, place of origin, or where they are from. For example, "Soy mexicano" (I am Mexican), or "Mi amigo es de España" (My friend is from Spain).

On the other hand, the acronym PLACE can help you remember when to use "estar":

- P stands for Position: Use "estar" to express the location or position of someone or something. For example, "El libro está en la mesa" (The book is on the table).

- L stands for Location: Use "estar" to describe the location or whereabouts of a person or object. For example, "Mis llaves están en la bolsa" (My keys are in the bag).

- A stands for Actions: Use "estar" when talking about temporary states or conditions. For example, "Estoy cansado" (I am tired).

- C stands for Conditions: Use "estar" to express physical or emotional states. For example, "Estoy feliz" (I am happy), or "Mi mamá está enferma" (My mom is sick).

- E stands for Emotions: Use "estar" to express emotions or feelings. For example, "Estoy triste" (I am sad).

By using these memory tools, you can more easily remember when to use "ser" and "estar" based on the different contexts and meanings they have in Spanish.