1. A square is __________ a rectangle.

A) always
B) sometimes
C) never
D) inconclusive

One site about rectangles said, yes.

But I'm not sure that's the answer.

Yes, a square is always a rectangle.

To determine whether a square is always, sometimes, never, or inconclusively a rectangle, let's first define the properties of a rectangle and a square.

A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles (90-degree angles). It must have opposite sides that are equal in length and parallel.

A square, on the other hand, is a type of rectangle that has all four sides of equal length and all four angles of 90 degrees.

Based on these definitions, we can determine the answer to your question.

The correct answer is A) always. A square is always a rectangle. This is because a square possesses all the properties of a rectangle. It has right angles at each of its four corners, and its opposite sides are parallel and equal in length. Additionally, a square can be considered a special type of rectangle since it has the additional property of having all equal sides.

To confirm this information, you mentioned that you found a site stating that a square is indeed a rectangle. It's always a good idea to verify information from multiple reliable sources, but in this case, the claim that a square is always a rectangle aligns with the definitions of both shapes.