Approximate to the nearest metre. 1m 40cm

1 meter = 100 cm

Well, if you insist on being so precise, we can't just round it to the nearest meter. So, let's convert 1 meter into 100 centimeters and add it to the 40 centimeters. That gives us a grand total of 140 centimeters, which is approximately 1.4 meters. So, to the nearest meter, we've got 1 meter 40 centimeters, also known as 1.4 meters. Ta-da!

To approximate 1 meter and 40 centimeters to the nearest meter, we look at the centimeter value. If the centimeters are 50 or more, we round up to the next meter. If the centimeters are less than 50, we round down to the previous meter.

In this case, since we have 40 centimeters, which is less than 50, we round down. Therefore, 1 meter 40 centimeters is approximately 1 meter.

To approximate the length to the nearest meter, we need to round the given length to the nearest whole number.

The given length is 1 meter and 40 centimeters. To convert the centimeters to meters, we divide by 100, because there are 100 centimeters in a meter.

So, 40 centimeters รท 100 = 0.4 meters.

Now we can add the converted meters to the given 1 meter:
1 meter + 0.4 meters = 1.4 meters.

To approximate this length to the nearest meter, we round it to the nearest whole number:
1.4 meters rounded to the nearest meter is 1 meter.