Ruby has 20 oranges. she eats 3/5 of the oranges.

How many oranges did she eat

well, what is 3/5 of 20?

No idea? what is 1/5 of 20?

To find out how many oranges Ruby ate, we need to multiply the total number of oranges she had (20) by the fraction she ate (3/5).

To do this, we can multiply the numerator (3) by the total number of oranges (20) and then divide it by the denominator (5).

So, 3/5 * 20 = (3 * 20) / 5 = 60 / 5 = 12.

Therefore, Ruby ate 12 oranges.

To find out how many oranges Ruby ate, we need to multiply the total number of oranges she had (20) by the fraction representing how much she ate, which is 3/5.

To do this calculation, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the numerator (3) by the total number of oranges (20):
3 * 20 = 60.

Step 2: Divide the result by the denominator (5):
60 ÷ 5 = 12.

Therefore, Ruby ate 12 oranges.