what computers can do?what computers cannot do?what are the advantages and disadvantages of computers?what are the roles of computer in the society?

Computer can do what ever you tell it to do. The way you tell computer is by a set of instructions which are called programming language. The advantage of computer is that it do things fast then people. The disadvantage is that it can not think. If you give the wrong instructions, it will do the wrong thing.

The role of computer in the society is, in my opinion, it's efficiency and automatize the tasks for human.

Computers can be used to communicate with others, and to search for information. You are using a computer to try to get someone else to do your work and thinking for you. One of the disadvantages of computers is that they do not help you learn, when used in that manner.

Four uses ICT of Timing and control

Computers are versatile machines capable of performing a wide range of tasks. Here are some things that computers can do:

1. Data processing: Computers can analyze large sets of data quickly and accurately, making them valuable for tasks like calculations, data analysis, and modeling.

2. Communication: Computers enable communication through email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and social media platforms, connecting people globally.

3. Storage: Computers allow for vast amounts of data to be stored and accessed easily, including documents, images, videos, and music.

4. Automation and control: Computers can control complex systems and machinery, improving efficiency and precision in industries like manufacturing, transportation, and healthcare.

5. Entertainment: Computers can provide various forms of entertainment, such as gaming, streaming movies and music, and virtual reality experiences.

However, there are also limitations to what computers can do:

1. Creativity and intuition: Unlike humans, computers struggle with innovative and creative thinking, as well as understanding complex emotions or making intuitive decisions.

2. Physical tasks: Computers are not designed for physical activities like lifting heavy objects or performing manual labor.

Advantages of computers:

1. Efficiency: Computers can perform tasks quickly and accurately, enhancing productivity and reducing human error.

2. Communication and globalization: Computers enable rapid communication and information exchange across the globe, fostering global connections and collaborations.

3. Information access: Computers provide easy access to vast amounts of information, empowering individuals with a wealth of knowledge.

4. Automation: Computers automate repetitive tasks, freeing up human resources for more complex and creative work.

Disadvantages of computers:

1. Dependence: Society's increasing reliance on computers and technology may lead to vulnerabilities, such as cyber threats, identity theft, and privacy breaches.

2. Health risks: Prolonged computer use can result in health issues like eyestrain, musculoskeletal problems, and sedentary lifestyles.

3. Job displacement: The automation of certain tasks can lead to job losses and require individuals to adapt their skills to remain relevant in the workforce.

Roles of computers in society:

1. Education: Computers play a crucial role in modern education, providing students with access to online resources, collaborative learning, and digital tools for research and creativity.

2. Business and commerce: Computers are essential for managing operations, record-keeping, financial transactions, online commerce, and marketing in businesses of all sizes.

3. Healthcare: Computers are used for managing medical records, diagnostic imaging, research, telemedicine, and streamlining healthcare processes.

4. Science and research: Computers facilitate data analysis, modeling, simulations, and research in various scientific disciplines, contributing to advancements and discoveries.

5. Entertainment and media: Computers are integral to the creation, distribution, and consumption of entertainment content, including gaming, movies, music, and social media.

It is important to note that the roles and impact of computers in society continue to evolve as technology progresses.