can any one please dry run this code

using namespace std;
int main()
cout<<"Enter any integer value"<<endl;
cin>>num; //number given by the user is 10123.

factor = factor/10;
temp = temp % factor;
return 0;

what, you don't have a c++ system?

Sure, I can help you with the dry run of this code.

First, let's go through the code step by step:

1. The code includes the iostream library which allows input and output operations in C++.

2. The `using namespace std;` line is used to avoid writing `std::` before standard library functions.

3. The `main()` function is the starting point of the program.

4. The code declares four variables: `num`, `factor`, and `temp`, all of type `int`. `factor` is initialized with a value of 1.

5. The code then displays a message asking the user to enter an integer value.

6. The user enters a value, which is then stored in the variable `num`.

7. The `temp` variable is assigned the same value as `num`.

8. The first `while` loop is used to determine the number of digits in the given number. It divides `num` by 10 until `num` becomes 0. In each iteration, the `factor` variable is multiplied by 10. This is done to calculate the factor that will be used to extract each digit from the number later.

9. The second `while` loop is used to extract each digit from the number and print it. It starts with the initialized `factor` value and reduces it by dividing it by 10 in each iteration. The extracted digit is obtained by dividing `temp` by `factor` and is printed. The `temp` variable is then updated to the remainder of dividing `temp` by `factor`.

10. Finally, the `main()` function returns 0 to indicate successful termination.

Now let's dry run this code with an example:

Suppose the user enters the number 10123.

- `num` becomes 10123, and `temp` is initially assigned the same value.

- In the first `while` loop, `num` is divided by 10 four times, and `factor` is multiplied by 10 four times. Now `num` becomes 10, and `factor` becomes 10000.

- In the second `while` loop, the first iteration starts with `factor` as 10000. `temp` divided by `factor` gives 1, which is printed. `temp` then becomes the remainder of `temp` divided by `factor`, which is 123.

- In the second iteration of the second `while` loop, `factor` becomes 1000. `temp` divided by `factor` gives 2, which is printed. `temp` then becomes 23.

- In the third iteration, `factor` becomes 100. `temp` divided by `factor` gives 3, which is printed. `temp` then becomes 3.

- In the fourth and final iteration, `factor` becomes 10. `temp` divided by `factor` gives 3, which is printed. `temp` then becomes 0.

Now the code reaches the end, and the output is:


This code extracts and prints each digit from the given number. The `while` loop is used to calculate the factor that will be used to extract the digits, and the second `while` loop is used to extract and print each digit.