Amy and Ashley bike along the same trail. Amy bikes the entire trail at a speed of 20 mph and Ashley bikes it at a speed of 15 mph. Amy finishes biking the entire trail 8 minutes before Ashley. How many miles long is the bike trail?


so amy finish
find t then you can get their distance

sorry it should be


d/15 - d/20 = 8/60

4 d - 3 d = 8

d = 8
then Amy takes (8/20)*60 =24 min
and Ashley takes (8/15)*60 =32min
Indeed difference of 8 min

Collins, please check your answers.

To find the length of the bike trail, we can first calculate Amy's biking time and Ashley's biking time, and then use the given information to solve for the length.

Let's start by converting the 8 minutes into hours. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so 8 minutes is equal to 8/60 = 0.1333 hours.

Next, we can use the formula: distance = speed × time. Since both Amy and Ashley bike the entire trail, the distance they travel is the same.

Let's represent the length of the bike trail as "d" in miles.

Amy's biking time is d/20 hours.

Ashley's biking time is d/15 hours.

Given that Amy finishes biking 8 minutes (0.1333 hours) before Ashley, we can set up the following equation:

d/20 = (d/15) - 0.1333

To solve for d, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 20 * 15 to eliminate the denominators:

15d = 20d - (0.1333 * 20 * 15)

15d = 20d - 39.99

Subtracting 20d from both sides of the equation:

15d - 20d = -39.99

-5d = -39.99

Finally, dividing both sides of the equation by -5 gives us:

d = -39.99 / -5

d = 7.998 miles

Therefore, the length of the bike trail is approximately 7.998 miles.