Prewriting: Choosing Your Topic

Use the chart below to take notes on two literary works that you have found while
browsing. These two works should have enough similarities to make connections
between them and to draw comparisons.
Story Author Plot Characters Theme
Drafting: Using Logical Organization
Use the graphic organizer below to help you organize your review.
State your thesis and identify both
Body Paragraphs
Develop your comparisons and
contrasts using examples.
Summarize similarities and differences,
and restate your response

Is there something about this assignment that you do not understand? What is your question?

How would you like us to help you?

I need help finding two literary works that are similar,so i can compare and contrast them.If ur able to do that i would love that

I'm not sure how your teacher classifies "literary works."

A couple of my favorite novels are New York and Paris, both by Edward Rutherford.

i need something shorter then that my deadline is today like a poem or something.But i would like to read that sometime later in life

What did you find while you were browsing?

How about comparing two of Edgar Allan Poe's poems or stories?

We have no idea what poems, plays, stories, or novels you have been assigned to read, or have "browsed".

I need help

To prewrite for this task, you will need to browse and find two literary works that have enough similarities to make connections and draw comparisons. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Start by browsing through various literary sources such as books, short stories, poems, or online platforms like literary journals or websites.
2. Look for works that catch your attention or pique your interest. Consider various genres, authors, time periods, or themes that you find appealing.
3. Once you have identified two literary works, create a chart to organize your notes. In the chart, include columns for the story's title, author, plot summary, characters, and theme. This will help you gather information that will support your comparisons and contrasts later on.

Now, let's move on to the drafting phase and using logical organization through a graphic organizer:

1. Begin your review with an introduction paragraph. Start by stating your thesis, which is the main point you want to convey about the two works. Additionally, clearly identify both works by including their titles and authors.

2. Develop your body paragraphs by focusing on comparisons and contrasts using examples from the literary works. You can use a graphic organizer, such as a Venn diagram, to organize your thoughts and visually represent the connections between the two works. For each comparison or contrast, provide specific examples or evidence from the texts to support your analysis. Consider elements such as plot structure, character development, writing style, or thematic elements.

3. Conclude your review by summarizing the main similarities and differences you have discussed in the body paragraphs. Restate your response or overall impression of the two works and how they are connected or distinct from each other. This will bring closure to your analysis and provide a final perspective on the comparison.

Remember, the key to a successful review is to have a clear structure and organization. Utilize effective transitions between paragraphs to ensure a smooth flow of ideas and concepts.