Why was Gerald Ford unpopular to some as president?

A. He issued a full pardon to former president Nixon.
B. His attempt to free the Iranian hostages failed.
C. He issued full pardon for those who ran from the draft during the Vietnam War.



It would be A.

No, Option B is not correct. Gerald Ford's attempt to free the Iranian hostages is not a reason why he was unpopular as president. The correct answer is Option A. Gerald Ford was unpopular to some as president because he issued a full pardon to former president Nixon. This decision was seen as controversial and led to criticism that he was letting Nixon off the hook for the Watergate scandal. Additionally, Option C is also a contributing factor to his unpopularity, as his decision to issue a full pardon for those who ran from the draft during the Vietnam War was heavily criticized by many who saw it as unfair and unjust.

Actually, option B is not accurate. Gerald Ford's attempt to free the Iranian hostages is not one of the reasons for his unpopularity. The correct reason is option A. Gerald Ford was unpopular with some people during his presidency because he issued a full pardon to former president Richard Nixon.

To understand why this was a controversial decision, it's important to know the context. Richard Nixon was the 37th president of the United States and resigned from office in 1974 due to the Watergate scandal, which involved illegal activities and cover-ups within the Nixon administration. Ford, who was vice president at the time, assumed the presidency after Nixon's resignation.

One month after taking office, Gerald Ford granted a full and unconditional pardon to Richard Nixon for any crimes he may have committed during his time as president. This pardon was seen by many as an act of political favoritism and a disregard for accountability. Critics believed that Ford's pardon undermined the judicial process and prevented Nixon from being held accountable for his actions.

Additionally, the decision to pardon Nixon came at a time when the public was already disillusioned with the government due to the Watergate scandal. Ford's pardon further damaged public trust in the presidency and led to a decrease in his popularity among some Americans.

It's important to note that Ford's decision was not universally unpopular, as some people believed it was a necessary step to move the country forward and begin the healing process after the turmoil of the Watergate scandal. Nonetheless, the pardon remained a significant factor contributing to Ford's unpopularity.