A poem that is told in an actual manner.

A. Lyrics
B. Ballard
C. Sonnet
D. Genre

C is wrong so is A correct?


I asked you before what is meant by "actual manner." Is that story-telling? Have you looked up the other terms in a dictionary?

so is it D?

No ... and now you have had enough guesses. If you're not going to look these up, I really don't know what to say.

To determine whether "A. Lyrics" is the correct answer, we need to understand the definition of each option.

A. Lyrics refer to the words of a song or a poem, typically expressing emotions or personal thoughts. Lyrics can be written in various styles and formats.

B. Ballad is a narrative poem or song that tells a story, often with a repeating refrain. Ballads were traditionally sung and passed down through generations.

C. Sonnet is a 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme, usually written in iambic pentameter. Sonnets are known for their formal structure and often explore themes of love or beauty.

D. Genre is a broader term that refers to a category or type of literature, music, or art that shares similar characteristics.

Based on the descriptions, it is clear that the correct answer to the question is B. Ballad, not A. Lyrics. A ballad is a narrative poem that is told in an actual manner, with a story-like quality.