Rectangle ABCD ~ Rectangle EFGH. which similarity postulate or theorem lets you conclude that triangle BCD ~ Triangle FGH

To conclude that triangle BCD is similar to triangle FGH, we can use the Side-Side-Side (SSS) Similarity Postulate.

The SSS Similarity Postulate states that if the corresponding sides of two triangles are proportional, then the triangles are similar.

In this case, since rectangles ABCD and EFGH are similar, we can conclude that their corresponding sides are proportional. Therefore, the corresponding sides of triangle BCD and triangle FGH are also proportional. Hence, we can use the SSS Similarity Postulate to conclude that triangle BCD is similar to triangle FGH.

To determine the similarity of corresponding sides, we need to compare the lengths of the sides of rectangles ABCD and EFGH. You can do this by measuring the lengths of the sides using a ruler or by referring to the given measurements of the rectangle.

If the ratios of the corresponding sides of the two rectangles are equal, then you can conclude that triangle BCD is similar to triangle FGH according to the SSS Similarity Postulate.