In the Fall Semester, many high schools hold special events to welcome students back to school and to help the students new to the school get into the spirit of the new year. The Student Council decided to order spirit ribbons for all students to wear at a special assembly. Imagine that you have volunteered to be on the committee, and have been put in charge of findin

How will you determine how many ribbons to order? You could go to all the classes and count every student or you could call the office for the information. But for this question you don't need an exact number. There are always some students absent, and the Student Council doesn't want to spend more money than necessary.

I'd ask the office two things:

How many students are you expecting in the fall?

What percent of them do expect to be present on any given day in the fall?

Sample ten classrooms to see how many students are in the classrooms. Then count all the classrooms.


To determine how many ribbons to order without needing an exact number, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by collecting information from the school administration or office. Contact them and ask for an estimate of the total number of students enrolled in the school.

2. Once you have the estimated total number of students, determine an average absentee rate for the school. This can be obtained by asking the school administration about typical absentee rates on special assembly days or events.

3. Calculate the estimated number of absent students based on the average absentee rate. For example, if the average absentee rate is 10%, and the total number of students is 500, then the estimated number of absent students would be 0.10 x 500 = 50.

4. Deduct the estimated number of absent students from the total number of students to get the approximate number of students who will be present at the special assembly. Using the example above, if there are 500 students and 50 are estimated to be absent, then the approximate number of students present would be 500 - 50 = 450.

5. Use this approximate number of students to determine the quantity of spirit ribbons to order. You can consult with the Student Council or the committee to decide how many ribbons should be allocated per student. This could be determined based on prior events or based on budget considerations.

By following these steps, you can estimate how many ribbons to order while taking into account student absences and avoiding unnecessary expenses.

To determine how many ribbons to order without needing an exact number, you have a couple of options. Here are two approaches you can consider:

1. Absentee Rate Method:
a. Firstly, collect the attendance records from previous similar events or assemblies that took place in the fall semester. These records will give you an idea of the average absentee rate for such events.
b. Calculate the average absentee rate by dividing the total number of absent students by the total number of students enrolled during those events.
c. Multiply the average absentee rate by the projected total student enrollment for the upcoming special assembly to estimate the number of students expected to be present. This estimation will help determine how many ribbons to order.

2. Survey Method:
a. Create a short survey or questionnaire to distribute among the students.
b. Ensure the survey includes questions about student attendance plans for the upcoming special assembly.
c. Collect and analyze the responses to determine the percentage or number of students who indicate they will be present.
d. Multiply the estimated attendance percentage or number of students (determined from the survey) by the total student enrollment to calculate the approximate number of ribbons needed.

Both methods provide estimates based on historical data or student responses. By considering the average absentee rate or survey results, you can calculate an approximate number of ribbons needed, reducing the possibility of spending more money than necessary.