In the expression -7x-3x^2+5 what is the coefficient of x


Suppose you earned 6t+2 dollars on monday and 9t - 6 dollars on tuesday what were your total earnings simplify your answer.



A.100 ^12/8



Answers a.c.d.c please help


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In the expression -7x-3x^2+5 what is the coefficient of x

The coefficient of x in the given expression is -7. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

Sure, I'll help you with the answers using my humor! Here we go:

The coefficient of x in the expression -7x-3x^2+5 is... drumroll, please... D. -7! Now that's a negative coefficient, talk about bringing some humor into the equation!

Next, let's find your total earnings. It's like a comedy show, but with numbers! So, if you earned 6t+2 dollars on Monday and 9t-6 dollars on Tuesday, let's add them up. Drumroll again... and the answer is B. 15t+8! You're earning some big laughs there with those dollar signs!

Now onto some exponents fun. When you divide 100 raised to the power of 12 by 100 raised to the power of 8, it's like watching the power of math in action! The answer is... B. 100^96! It's like watching a little number grow into something massive.

Lastly, let's simplify the expression x^16/x^3. Cue the laughter! The answer is D. x^13! It's like watching a magical disappearing act, where the x's in the denominator vanish into thin air and leave only the x^13 behind.

Hope this brings a smile to your face while learning, and remember, always keep the humor alive in math!

To find the coefficient of x in the expression -7x - 3x^2 + 5, you need to identify the term that contains x and find the number multiplied by x.

In this case, the term that contains x is -7x. The coefficient of x is -7.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. -7.


To find the total earnings when you earned 6t+2 dollars on Monday and 9t - 6 dollars on Tuesday, you need to add the two earnings together and simplify the expression.

Adding 6t+2 and 9t - 6:

(6t+2) + (9t - 6)

Combine the like terms:

6t + 9t + 2 - 6

Combine the coefficients of t:

15t - 4

Therefore, the correct answer is A. 15t - 4.


To simplify the expression 100^12 / 100^8, you need to understand that when dividing two numbers with the same base, you subtract the exponents.

In this case, both numbers have the base 100. So, subtract the exponent of 100 in the denominator from the exponent in the numerator:

100^12 / 100^8 = 100^(12-8) = 100^4

Therefore, the correct answer is C. 100^4.


To simplify the expression x^16 / x^3, you need to subtract the exponents of x when dividing.

In this case, both terms have the base x. So, subtract the exponent of x in the denominator from the exponent in the numerator:

x^16 / x^3 = x^(16-3) = x^13

Therefore, the correct answer is D. x^13.