What are the coefficients in the polynomial 5x^2 + 2x - 4?

A. 5,2
B. -5,2
C. 5,2,-4 **
D. 5,-2,-4

For questions 2 and 3 add or subtract.
2. (m^2 - m - 4) + (m - 5)
A. m^2 - 2m + 9
B. m^2 + 2m - 9
C. m^2 - 2m - 9 **
D. m^2 - 9

3. (5x^2 + x - 3) - (-2x^3 + 4)
A. -2x^3 + 5x^2 + x - 7
B. -2x^3 + 5x^2 + x - 1
C. 2x^3 + 5x^2 + x - 7
D. 2x^3 + 5x^2 + x + 1 **

4. x^16/x^3 (this is a fraction not dividing)
B. x^48
C. x^19 **
D. x^13

5. Which of the following expressions is true?
A. 4^3 x 4^5 < 4^12 **
B. 5^2 x 5^3 > 5^5
C. 3^2 x 3^4 = 3^2
D. 5^2 x 5^4 = 5^8

6. Which of the following expressions is true?
A. 2^4 x 2^3 = 2^12
B. 3^3 x 3^6 > 3^8 **
C. 4^2 x 4^2 > 4^4
D. 5^5 x 5^2 = 5^10

For question 7, multiply. Write the result in scientific notation.
7. (2.3 x 10^1)(7 x 10^6)
A. 1.61 x 10^7
B. 1.61 x 10^8
C. 9.3 x 10^6 **
D. 9.3 x 10^7

For questions 8-10, simplify the expression.
8. -6(6x - 7)
A. -6x^2 + 7x
B. 5x^2 - 6x
C. 6x + 7x
D. -6x - 7x **

9. (2k + 1) (k - 4)
A. 2k^2 - 7k + 4 **
B. 2k^2 - 3k + 4
C. 2k^2 + 9k + 4
D. 2k^2 - 7k - 4

10. (-2y +5)(y + 3)
A. -2y^2 + 8y + 15
B. -2y^2 - y + 15
C. 2y^2 + 8y + 8

did you read my response?


bobpursley Tori whats to know if here answers are correct

I said in my previous response, 2,3,4,7,9,10 are wrong, and 8 makes no sense

this is not to help me it is to help here or tori she is going to fail I`m in 6th gread but don't tell her

but she tiped more you should see for you self

To find the coefficients of a polynomial, look at the numbers in front of the variables. In the polynomial 5x^2 + 2x - 4, the coefficients are 5, 2, and -4.

To add or subtract polynomials, combine like terms. In the expression (m^2 - m - 4) + (m - 5):
- Combine the m^2 terms: m^2 + m^2 = 2m^2
- Combine the m terms: -m + m = 0
- Combine the constant terms: -4 + (-5) = -9
- The simplified expression is m^2 + 0 - 9, which can be written as m^2 - 9. Therefore, the answer is C.

To subtract polynomials, distribute the negative sign and then combine like terms. In the expression (5x^2 + x - 3) - (-2x^3 + 4):
- Distribute the negative sign to every term inside the parentheses after changing the sign: 5x^2 + x - 3 + 2x^3 - 4
- Combine like terms: 5x^2 + 2x^3 + x - 3 - 4 = 2x^3 + 5x^2 + x - 7
- The answer is D.

To simplify the expression x^16/x^3, divide the coefficients and subtract the exponents:
- Divide the coefficient: 1/1 = 1
- Subtract the exponents: 16 - 3 = 13
- The simplified expression is x^13, so the answer is D.

To determine which expression is true in question 5, calculate each side of the inequality:
A. 4^3 x 4^5 = 4^8
B. 5^2 x 5^3 = 5^5
It is clear that 4^8 is greater than 5^5, so the correct answer is A.

To determine which expression is true in question 6, calculate each side of the inequality:
A. 2^4 x 2^3 = 2^7
B. 3^3 x 3^6 = 3^9
It is clear that 2^7 is less than 3^9, so the correct answer is B.

To multiply numbers in scientific notation, multiply the coefficients and add the exponents:
(2.3 x 10^1)(7 x 10^6)
- Multiply the coefficients: 2.3 x 7 = 16.1
- Add the exponents: 1 + 6 = 7
- The answer is 1.61 x 10^7, so the correct answer is A.

To simplify the expression -6(6x - 7), distribute the -6 across the terms of the parentheses:
-6 * 6x = -36x
-6 * -7 = 42
- The expression becomes -36x + 42, so the correct answer is D.

To simplify the expression (2k + 1)(k - 4), use the distributive property:
(2k + 1)(k - 4) = 2k * k + 2k * -4 + 1 * k + 1 * -4
= 2k^2 - 8k + k - 4
= 2k^2 - 7k - 4
So, the correct answer is A.

To simplify the expression (-2y +5)(y + 3), use the distributive property:
(-2y +5)(y + 3) = -2y * y + (-2y * 3) + 5 * y + 5 * 3
= -2y^2 - 6y + 5y + 15
= -2y^2 - y + 15
So, the correct answer is B.