Class or Rank

A. Application
B. Stratification
C. Secularization
D. Resolution



Yes, you are correct! The correct answer is B. Stratification.

To arrive at this answer, we need to analyze the given options and determine which one best fits the concept of "Class or Rank."

A. Application does not directly relate to the concept of "Class or Rank." Application typically refers to the act of using or applying something.
C. Secularization refers to the process of shifting from religious to non-religious beliefs, practices, or values. It does not directly relate to the concept of social class or rank.
D. Resolution typically refers to finding a solution or reaching a decision, and it does not directly relate to the concept of social class or rank.

B. Stratification, on the other hand, represents the division of society into different layers, often based on factors like wealth, occupation, or social status. It directly relates to class or rank, making it the most appropriate answer.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Stratification.