Dormant and Recessive

A. Synonyms
B. Antonyms
C. Neither

B is wrong so I hope its A. am I correct?

A, yes.

A was wrong as well :(

To determine if "dormant" and "recessive" are synonyms or antonyms, we need to understand the meanings of both words and then compare them.

Firstly, let's define the words:

1. Dormant: This adjective typically refers to something or someone that is temporarily inactive, asleep, or not actively developing or growing. It implies a state of temporary inactivity or dormant state.

2. Recessive: This term is usually used in genetics and refers to a type of gene or trait that may not be expressed or visible in an organism's phenotype when paired with a dominant gene. In other words, a recessive gene can be masked or overridden by a dominant gene.

Now, we can compare the meanings of the words:

Synonyms are words that have similar meanings, while antonyms are words with opposite meanings. In this case, "dormant" and "recessive" do not have the same or opposite meanings. There is no direct relationship between being temporarily inactive (dormant) and a genetic trait being overridden by another gene (recessive).

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Neither. "Dormant" and "recessive" are not synonyms or antonyms; they belong to different domains (activity vs. genetics) and have distinct meanings.