Right before the war Imperialistic, territorial, Nationalism and economic rivalries had been intensifying among Germany, France, Great Britain, Russia, and Austria-Hungary. The Balkan war was from 1912 to 1913; all the major powers increased in size as well as in war material. The British Empire had over five continents and France had control over the largest parts in Africa. With industrialism rising quickly countries wanted and needed new markets. Germany’s rivalry with France and Britain increased because they only had small areas of Africa while France and Britain owned large areas of Africa. Just with one trigger it would blow up into a war; and that is exactly what happened.

Right before the war<~~which war? also, add comma Imperialistic, territorial, Nationalism<~~needs to be an adjective for parallel construction in this series; also, add comma and economic rivalries had been intensifying among Germany, France, Great Britain, Russia, and Austria-Hungary. During the Balkan war from 1912 to 1913, all the major powers increased in size as well as in war material. The British Empire had over five continents<~~what? the British Empire controlled all the land on five continents?? also, add comma and France had control over the largest parts in Africa. With industrialism rising quickly<~~add comma countries wanted and needed new markets. Germany’s rivalry with France and Britain increased because they<~~"they" = who? only had small areas of Africa<~~add comma while France and Britain owned large areas of Africa. Just with one trigger it<~~what is "it"? would blow up into a war; and that is exactly what happened.

I'm not sure "owned" is the right word to use in the next-to-last sentence.

Other teachers may have more to add.

Thanks Writeacher




Hello! It seems like there are some parts of the text that need clarification. Let me explain further:

- The war being referred to in the text is the First World War, also known as World War I. It was a global conflict that took place from 1914 to 1918.

- The sentence mentioning "Imperialistic, territorial, Nationalism, and economic rivalries" refers to the build-up of tensions and competition between Germany, France, Great Britain, Russia, and Austria-Hungary.

- The Balkan War mentioned from 1912 to 1913 refers to a series of conflicts in the Balkan region of Europe. These conflicts involved various countries in the area seeking to expand their territories and influence.

- The statement about the British Empire having control over five continents may be an exaggeration or unclear. The British Empire at its height controlled territories in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Oceania.

- The sentence about France having control over the largest parts of Africa is referring to France's colonial possessions in Africa, which were significant during that time.

- The text mentions the rise of industrialism and the need for new markets for countries. This refers to the economic growth and competition between nations, particularly as industrialization led to a greater demand for resources and markets.

- Germany's rivalry with France and Britain increased due to their smaller colonial holdings compared to the larger colonial empires of France and Britain.

- The phrase "Just with one trigger, it would blow up into a war" refers to the idea that tensions were high, and it only took one event, in this case, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, to spark the outbreak of war.

I hope this helps clarify some of the points in the text. If you have any further questions or need additional explanations, feel free to ask!