The patriotism of the speaker in Rupert Brooke's "The Soldier" gives a poem about dying in battle a(n)__________ tone.

Depressing ~~I feel it's this one

Depressed? I don't think so!

Read it aloud several times. Then re-think.

Uplifting ?

Identify the lines in the poem that give you this reaction.

As long as you can identify the lines that back up your belief, you should be correct. If you can't point to any specific lines or wording, then think again.

PS -- Yes, your second guess is correct. But you shouldn't have to guess. (How do I know it's a guess? Because of the question mark after your choice.)

To determine the tone in a poem, one should closely examine the language, imagery, and overall message conveyed by the speaker. In the case of Rupert Brooke's "The Soldier," the poem expresses a sense of patriotism and glorification of dying for one's country. To analyze the poem and understand the poet's intent, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the poem: Start by reading the poem carefully to grasp the overall content and message. Highlight or take notes on any specific phrases or words that stand out to you.

2. Analyze the language and imagery: Pay attention to the language and imagery used throughout the poem. Look for any words, metaphors, or descriptions that convey a particular emotional tone.

3. Consider the speaker's perspective: Identify the speaker's perspective and point of view. In this case, the speaker is expressing his love for his homeland and his willingness to sacrifice his life for it.

4. Examine the overall message: Reflect on the overall message and purpose of the poem. Is it meant to inspire patriotism or evoke other emotions related to war? Does it convey a positive or negative sentiment?

In the case of "The Soldier," the poem's tone can be described as patriotic or uplifting, as it reveres sacrifice and honors the speaker's dedication to his country. Therefore, the correct answer would be an "uplifting" tone.