Order the following solids from least (1) to greatest (3) volumes.

A rectangular pyramid whose base has an area of 60 in2 and whose height is 10 in. third

A rectangular prism with a length of 6 in, a width of 5 in, and a height of 10 in. first

A right cylinder with a diameter of 10 in and a height of 8 in. second

plz check if my answers are correct, sorry ^^;

A rectangular prism with a length of 6 in, a width of 5 in, and a height of 10 in. first

**** 300 in^3

A right cylinder with a diameter of 10 in and a height of 8 in. second
about (22/7)(25)(8) =
**** 628 in^3

A rectangular pyramid whose base has an area of 60 in2 and whose height is 10 in. third
**** 600 in^3

To order the solids from least to greatest volume, we need to calculate the volumes of each solid. The formula for the volume of each solid is as follows:

1. Rectangular pyramid: V = (1/3) * base area * height
2. Rectangular prism: V = length * width * height
3. Right cylinder: V = π * (radius)^2 * height

Let's calculate the volumes for each solid based on the given dimensions:

1. Rectangular pyramid:
Base area = 60 in²
Height = 10 in
V = (1/3) * 60 in² * 10 in
V = 200 in³

2. Rectangular prism:
Length = 6 in
Width = 5 in
Height = 10 in
V = 6 in * 5 in * 10 in
V = 300 in³

3. Right cylinder:
Diameter = 10 in
Radius = 10 in / 2 = 5 in
Height = 8 in
V = π * (5 in)^2 * 8 in
V = 200π in³ (approximately 628.32 in³)

Now, let's order the solids based on their volumes:

1. Rectangular pyramid: 200 in³
2. Right cylinder: 200π in³ (approximately 628.32 in³)
3. Rectangular prism: 300 in³

Therefore, the correct order from least (1) to greatest (3) volume is:

1. Rectangular pyramid
2. Right cylinder
3. Rectangular prism

So, your answers are not correct.