1. The civil rights act of 1964 banned

a. literacy tests at polling places
b. the integration of public schools
c. freedom rides on buses
d. segregation in public facilities **

2. which best describes the culteral changes of the 1960's youth movement
a. some young people rebelled against traditional values through music, dress, and new lifestyles
b. some young people began listening to jazz rather than rock bands such as the beatles and rolling stones
c. young people became more conservative in dress and beliefs
d. young married women cut their hair shrot and began wearing makeup**

3. during the 1970's many soth carolinians favored improving relations with the soviet union because it would
a. end american involvement in vietnam
b. decrease the risk of nuclear war**
c. put greater pressure on china
d. escalate the arms race

4. how has south carolina changes politically since the 1970's
a. country governments were eliminated
b. race has become the most important political issue**
c. the democratic party has gained more power in the state
d. the republican party has gained more power in the state

5. how are the education improvement act of 1984 and the education accountability act of 1998 similar
a.both acts require students to take the palmetto challenge achievement test
b. both acts require students to pass an exit exam to obtain a high school diploma**
c. both acts require teachers to work more days for less money
d. both acts require teachers to take classes in education reform




1 - yes

2 - no
3 - yes
4 - no
5 - I don't know.

I ment 2. a

2 is a, yes.

4 is NOT c! Which political party dominates South Carolina now? Is it the Democrats? Which party is in the majority in the legislature and holds the governor's office?

Does anyone know 5?

So what is the test answers........

the black menace of wailing woods

1. To answer this question, you need to have knowledge of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. You can find this information by conducting a search on the internet or referring to history textbooks.

2. Similarly, to answer this question, you need to have an understanding of the cultural changes that occurred during the 1960s youth movement. You can find this information by researching the topic or referring to books or articles on the subject.

3. To answer this question, you need to know the reasons why some South Carolinians favored improving relations with the Soviet Union during the 1970s. This information can be accessed through research or by referring to historical sources.

4. To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the political changes that have taken place in South Carolina since the 1970s. This information can be gathered by studying the state's political history through books, articles, or online resources.

5. To answer this question, you need to compare the Education Improvement Act of 1984 and the Education Accountability Act of 1998. You can find this information by reading the texts of both acts or by referring to educational policy sources that discuss these acts.

What is the answers for the test