The sum of 3 consecutive odd natural numbers is 69. Find the prime number out of these numbers.

let the 3 consecutive odds be

n, n+2, and n+4

3n = 63
n = 21

They are 21, 23, and 25, with 23 as the prime one

Let the numberbe x

First number x
Second number x+2
Third number x+4

So three numbers are

So,23is the prime number

let the 3 consecutive no be



The three consecutive no are 21,23,25

Let the first no. be =x

Let the second no. be =x+2
Let the third no. be =x+4

x + x+2 + x+4 = 69
3x + 6 = 69
3x = 69 - 6
3x = 63
x = 63/3
x = 21

First no. = 21
Second no. = 23
Third no. =25

Therefore, 23 is a prime

Astha Singh

Let the first no. be =x

Let the second no. be =x+2
Let the third no. be =x+4

x + x+2 + x+4 = 69
3x + 6 = 69
3x = 69 - 6
3x = 63
x = 63/3
x = 21

First no. = 21
Second no. = 23
Third no. =25

Therefore, 23 is a prime

To solve this problem, we can use algebraic expression and equations. Let's assume the first odd number as (2n + 1), the second odd number as (2n + 3), and the third odd number as (2n + 5).

According to the given information, the sum of these three consecutive odd natural numbers is 69:

(2n + 1) + (2n + 3) + (2n + 5) = 69

Now, let's simplify this equation:

6n + 9 = 69

Subtracting 9 from both sides of the equation:

6n = 60

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 6:

n = 10

Now that we have found the value of n, we can substitute it back into the expressions for the odd numbers:

First odd number: 2n + 1 = 2(10) + 1 = 21
Second odd number: 2n + 3 = 2(10) + 3 = 23
Third odd number: 2n + 5 = 2(10) + 5 = 25

So, the three consecutive odd natural numbers are 21, 23, and 25.

To find the prime number among these, we need to check if any of them are divisible by any number other than 1 and themselves.

Checking each number:

21 is divisible by 3 and 7.
23 is a prime number as it is only divisible by 1 and 23.
25 is divisible by 5.

Therefore, the prime number out of the three consecutive odd natural numbers is 23.