Giving 500 mg of medication in 50 ml to infuse over 30 minutes using a 10 drops/ml set would result in administration of __ drops/ min A.16.6 B.23 C.34.5 D.41.6

wouldn't you want 500 drops in 30 min?

You are not showing any thinking. I am not going to do your thinking for you.

Apologies for the confusion earlier. Let's go through the calculation step by step to correctly determine the administration rate in drops per minute for the given medication.

To find the administration rate, we need to consider the total volume (in drops) to be infused over the given duration. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Convert the volume of medication given from milliliters (ml) to drops using the given drop factor (10 drops/ml):
Total drops = Volume of medication (ml) × Drop factor
Total drops = 50 ml × 10 drops/ml
Total drops = 500 drops

2. Determine the infusion time in minutes (30 minutes, as given).

3. Divide the total drops by the infusion time to find the administration rate in drops per minute:
Administration rate (drops/minute) = Total drops / Infusion time (minutes)
Administration rate = 500 drops / 30 minutes

Now, let's calculate the administration rate.

Administration rate = 500 drops / 30 minutes
Administration rate ≈ 16.7 drops/minute

After determining the administration rate, we can select the closest option from the given choices. The closest option is A) 16.6 drops/minute.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) 16.6 drops/minute.