The formula for usinng alligation to repare solutions work for solutions between__ %and __ % a.0,50 b.25,75 c.50,100 d.0,100

Somewhere there is a disconnect between my understanding of chemistry and yours: What is alligation? What formula are you speaking of?

Spelling is important.

Alligation is a mathematical process used in chemistry to calculate the proportions of different solutions needed to achieve a desired concentration or composition. It is commonly used in pharmacy and compounding to prepare customized solutions.

The formula for using alligation to prepare solutions is:

Let's suppose you have two solutions with different concentrations, A% and B%, and you want to mix them to obtain a solution with concentration C%.

1. Calculate the difference between C% and A%:
Difference = C% - A%

2. Calculate the difference between B% and C%:
Difference = B% - C%

3. Construct a table to organize the calculations as follows:

| Concentration | Difference |
|-------------- | -----------|
| A% | Difference |
| B% | Difference |
| C% | 0 |

4. Fill in the table with the given concentrations and differences.

5. Add up the Difference column and find the ratio between the two differences. This ratio will determine the amount or proportion of each solution needed.

Let's say the ratio is x:y. This means that for every x parts of the A% solution, you need to add y parts of the B% solution.

For example, let's say you have a 25% solution (A%) and a 75% solution (B%), and you want to prepare a solution with a concentration of 50% (C%).

1. Calculate the difference between C% and A%:
Difference = 50% - 25% = 25%

2. Calculate the difference between B% and C%:
Difference = 75% - 50% = 25%

3. Construct the table:

| Concentration | Difference |
|-------------- | -----------|
| 25% | 25% |
| 75% | 25% |
| 50% | 0% |

4. Fill in the table:

| Concentration | Difference |
|-------------- | -----------|
| 25% | 25% |
| 75% | 25% |
| 50% | 0% |

5. Add up the Difference column: 25% + 25% = 50%. The ratio is 1:1, which means we need to mix equal parts of the 25% and 75% solutions.

To answer the original question, the formula for using alligation to prepare solutions works for solutions between 0% and 100%. Therefore, the correct option is d.0,100.