11.)A soccer ball costs a store $29.50. what is the spelling price of the ball after a 35% markup? Round to the nearest cent.

what is 1.35(29.50) ?

To find the selling price of the soccer ball after a 35% markup, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the markup amount.
The markup amount is found by multiplying the cost of the ball by the markup percentage. In this case, the cost of the ball is $29.50 and the markup is 35%.
Markup amount = $29.50 * 35% = $10.33 (rounded to two decimal places)

Step 2: Add the markup amount to the cost of the ball.
To determine the selling price, add the markup amount to the original cost of the ball.
Selling price = $29.50 + $10.33 = $39.83 (rounded to two decimal places)

So, the selling price of the soccer ball after a 35% markup is $39.83.