Keysha randomly surveyed 150 people at a football game last weekend to find out whether they like hot dogs, hamburgers, or nachos. Of the 850 people at the game, how many should she expect to like both hot dogs and hamburgers. 24 people like both hot dogs and hamburgers.

Please help me work through this. Thanks! :)

I just tried going on that and I got an art forum site...? Could you please send a link to it so I could go to the right one? Thanks :)

I have no idea what the question is, and I have no idea what link you were following nor why.

Please repeat the entire question.

To find out how many people at the game should be expected to like both hot dogs and hamburgers, you can use the concept of probability.

First, let's determine the probability that a randomly surveyed person likes hot dogs and hamburgers. To do this, divide the number of people who like both hot dogs and hamburgers (24) by the total number of people surveyed (150):

Probability (Hot dogs and Hamburgers) = 24 / 150 ≈ 0.16

Next, we can use this probability to estimate the number of people at the game who would like both hot dogs and hamburgers. Multiply the probability by the total number of people at the game:

Estimated Number of People (Hot dogs and Hamburgers) = Probability (Hot dogs and Hamburgers) x Total Number of People at the Game
= 0.16 x 850
≈ 136

Therefore, Keysha should expect around 136 people at the game to like both hot dogs and hamburgers.

To find the number of people who should be expected to like both hot dogs and hamburgers, we can use the concept of probability.

First, let's calculate the proportion of people who like both hot dogs and hamburgers from the surveyed sample of 150 people.

Proportion of people who like both hot dogs and hamburgers = Number of people who like both hot dogs and hamburgers / Total number of surveyed people

Proportion = 24 / 150

Next, we need to use this proportion to estimate the number of people who like both hot dogs and hamburgers out of the total 850 people at the game.

Expected number of people who like both hot dogs and hamburgers = Proportion * Total number of people

Expected number = (24 / 150) * 850

Expected number = 0.16 * 850

Expected number = 136

Therefore, Keysha should expect around 136 people to like both hot dogs and hamburgers out of the 850 people at the football game.