The formula for the force between two objects is F=GMm/r^2 where M and m are the masses of the two objects, G is a constant, and r is the distance between them. Solve the formula for m





The correct way to solve the formula for m is as follows:

F = GMm / r^2

To isolate m, we can start by multiplying both sides of the equation by r^2:

Fr^2 = GMm

Next, we can divide both sides by GM:

m = Fr^2 / GM

To solve the formula F = GMm/r^2 for m, we need to isolate the variable m on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Move the term GMm to the other side of the equation by dividing both sides by GM:
F/GM = m/r^2

Step 2: Rearrange the equation by swapping the left and right sides:
m/r^2 = F/GM

Step 3: Multiply both sides by r^2 to isolate m:
m = Fr^2/GM

Therefore, the formula to solve for m is m = Fr^2/GM.

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