2. A left front tire blows out. Unless you control the vehicle, what will probably happen? (1 point)

You will slide in a straight line.
Your vehicle will pull toward the shoulder.
Your vehicle will pull to the left.*****
Your vehicle will sway from left to right.
3. When braking and turning, you use (1 point)
all four wheels of traction.
only the outside edge of your tires.
changing traction forces.****
additional traction.
4. When a motorcyclist is overtaking you, you should (1 point)
maintain speed and lane position.***
reduce your speed.
increase your speed.
move to the left side of your lane.
5. When should high-beam headlights be used? They should be used (1 point)
during daylight hours so others see you.
when driving in a tunnel.
at night when alerting an oncoming driver that they do not have their headlights on.
at night when you need more light to see and no oncoming traffic is—or headlights are—visible.*****

7. Child restraint seats must be used (1 point)
in conjunction with an air bag.
only when driving more than two miles away.
in the front passenger seat.
in the back seat.***
8. Which insurance protects you if you are injured by a hit-and-run driver or a driver who has no way to pay costs? (1 point)
liability insurance****
comprehensive insurance
uninsured motorist insurance
fault insurance
9. If the rear of your vehicle skids to the right, you should (1 point)
steer to the right.****
steer straight ahead.
steer to the left.
swerve both left and right.
10. To protect a tailgating motorcyclist while following another vehicle, you should (1 point)
increase your following distance.****
flash your headlights.
flash your brake lights.
tailgate the vehicle ahead.
11. As you apply the foot brake, the pedal goes to the floor. What should you do first? (1 point)
Turn off the ignition.
Shift to a lower gear.
Apply the parking brake.
Pump the brake pedal three or four times.****
12. When entering a traffic circle, you should (1 point)
stop and wait until the traffic circle is empty.
yield to circulating traffic.****
yield to vehicles entering from your right.
yield to vehicles entering from your left.
13. Which statement best describes reaction time? (1 point)
It shortens if the traffic situation is complex.
It lengthens if the traffic situation is complex.
It is not affected by driver impairment.
It averages 3/4 of a second.*****
14. The best place to adjust speed to steer through a curve is (1 point)
before entering the curve.
at the center of the curve.
about halfway through the curve.***
just before you leave the curve.
15. Death or injury to a motorcyclist often results because the motorcyclist (1 point)
violates a driver’s right-of-way.
violates driving laws.
lacks protective equipment.****
encounters poor driving conditions.
16. If you must drive through deep water, (1 point)
drive on the shoulder for traction.
do not use the brakes.
maintain normal accelerator pressure.
apply light brake pressure through the water.*****
17. While driving, your engine stops suddenly. What should you do first? (1 point)
Brake the vehicle to a stop.
Shift to neutral.*******
Shift to a low gear.
Shift to park.
18. A motorcyclist might have more difficulty stopping than an automobile driver because (1 point)
automobiles can stop in a shorter distance.
motorcycles generally stop straight.
automobiles generally stop in a straight line.
motorcycles require use of separate brakes for the front and rear.*****
19. When your visibility is reduced for any reason, you (1 point)
should maintain speed and glance to the right edge of the road.
need more time to use the IPDE Process.*******
need a smaller space cushion around your vehicle.
should pull off the roadway and stop.
20. Traffic is moving at 30 mph on a street you plan to cross. How large a gap in each direction should you have? (1 point)
about two-thirds of a block******
about one-quarter of a block
about one-half of a block
about one block
21. Overdriving headlights means (1 point)
using low-beam rather than high-beam lights.
your stopping distance is greater than the distance lighted by your lights.******
you are looking too far ahead.
using overdrive gear when using high-beam headlights.
22. When threatened with a head-on collision, you should (1 point)
quickly lock the brakes.
apply parking brake.
slow down as much as possible.*****
23. A rear-end collision involved a 20-year-old vehicle. The driver and front-seat passenger both sustained serious neck injuries. Which modern energy-absorbing device protects against such injuries? (1 point)
head restraints****
front and rear crush areas
reinforced windshield
padded dash and recessed knobs
24. You approach an uncontrolled intersection. You should treat it as though which sign is present? (1 point)
a stop sign
a warning sign
a construction sign
a yield sign****
25. When an emergency vehicle approaches with a siren, you should (1 point)
stop where you are.
turn off the road.
pull over to the right and stop until it passes.****
speed up and get away as quickly as possible.
26. When driving on slippery roads, you should (1 point)
not use cruise control.*****
always use cruise control.
use cruise control with low speed.
use cruise control only on highways.
27. If you drive faster than other vehicles on a road with one lane in each direction and continually pass the other cars, you will (1 point)
get to your destination faster and safer.
increase your chances of running off the road.
prevent traffic congestion.
create a risky situation for yourself and other drivers.****
28. When you see a flashing yellow light at an intersection, you should (1 point)
yield to all traffic before crossing the intersection.****
take the right of way.
stop, then enter the intersection when safe to do so.
stop and wait for it to turn red.

I've reviewed the first ten. 8,9, and maybe 10 are wrong. I'll come back to review the next 18 as I have time, or someone else may do so.

It has been over a half-century since I got my license, so I can't answer all the questions.

2. agree
3. DK
4, 5, 7. Agree
8. Disagree
9. DK
10. agree
11. DK
12. agree
13. DK
14. disagree
15. All of them
16. disagree
17, 18. agree
19. "IPDE"?
20. DK
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. agree

In the future, please only submit about a half-dozen questions at a time. I had to repeatedly keep going up and down from the questions to the answer area to respond. Thank you

Continue reading

To answer these multiple-choice questions, you can use the process of elimination. Read each option carefully and eliminate any options that are obviously incorrect. Based on the remaining options, choose the one that best answers the question.

2. A left front tire blows out. Unless you control the vehicle, what will probably happen?
Answer: Your vehicle will pull to the left.

3. When braking and turning, you use:
Answer: changing traction forces.

4. When a motorcyclist is overtaking you, you should:
Answer: maintain speed and lane position.

5. When should high-beam headlights be used? They should be used:
Answer: at night when you need more light to see and no oncoming traffic is—or headlights are—visible.

7. Child restraint seats must be used:
Answer: in the back seat.

8. Which insurance protects you if you are injured by a hit-and-run driver or a driver who has no way to pay costs?
Answer: uninsured motorist insurance.

9. If the rear of your vehicle skids to the right, you should:
Answer: steer to the right.

10. To protect a tailgating motorcyclist while following another vehicle, you should:
Answer: increase your following distance.

11. As you apply the foot brake, the pedal goes to the floor. What should you do first?
Answer: Pump the brake pedal three or four times.

12. When entering a traffic circle, you should:
Answer: yield to circulating traffic.

13. Which statement best describes reaction time?
Answer: It averages 3/4 of a second.

14. The best place to adjust speed to steer through a curve is:
Answer: about halfway through the curve.

15. Death or injury to a motorcyclist often results because the motorcyclist:
Answer: lacks protective equipment.

16. If you must drive through deep water, you should:
Answer: apply light brake pressure through the water.

17. While driving, your engine stops suddenly. What should you do first?
Answer: Shift to neutral.

18. A motorcyclist might have more difficulty stopping than an automobile driver because:
Answer: motorcycles require use of separate brakes for the front and rear.

19. When your visibility is reduced for any reason, you should:
Answer: need more time to use the IPDE Process.

20. Traffic is moving at 30 mph on a street you plan to cross. How large a gap in each direction should you have?
Answer: about two-thirds of a block.

21. Overdriving headlights means:
Answer: your stopping distance is greater than the distance lighted by your lights.

22. When threatened with a head-on collision, you should:
Answer: slow down as much as possible.

23. A rear-end collision involved a 20-year-old vehicle. The driver and front-seat passenger both sustained serious neck injuries. Which modern energy-absorbing device protects against such injuries?
Answer: head restraints.

24. You approach an uncontrolled intersection. You should treat it as though which sign is present?
Answer: a yield sign.

25. When an emergency vehicle approaches with a siren, you should:
Answer: pull over to the right and stop until it passes.

26. When driving on slippery roads, you should:
Answer: not use cruise control.

27. If you drive faster than other vehicles on a road with one lane in each direction and continually pass the other cars, you will:
Answer: create a risky situation for yourself and other drivers.

28. When you see a flashing yellow light at an intersection, you should:
Answer: yield to all traffic before crossing the intersection.