2. All of the following were results of the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education EXCEPT:

Schools were to be integrated "with all deliberate speed"****

Sit-ins and boycotts were declared illegal

7. All of the following were part of the Great Society EXCEPT: *

Health Care (Medicare and Medicaid)

Education (Elementary and Secondary Education Acts)

Nasa and space exploration***

10. In what way was the Tet Offensive a strategic blow to the Americans?
The South Vietnamese refused to help U.S. forces in the fighting.
The North Vietnamese captured key cities in South Vietnam***

2 - NO

7 - yes
10- yes

To answer these questions, we need to understand the context and events mentioned.

2. The question asks for the result of the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education except for one option. The correct answer is "Sit-ins and boycotts were declared illegal." One way to arrive at this answer is by being familiar with the events surrounding the Brown v. Board of Education case. It was a landmark decision in 1954 that declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional. However, sit-ins and boycotts were not declared illegal as they were popular forms of protest during the Civil Rights Movement.

7. This question asks about elements of the Great Society, a set of social reforms and programs initiated by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s. We need to identify the option that was not part of the Great Society. The correct answer is "Nasa and space exploration." To know this, you can recall that the Great Society mainly focused on issues like poverty, education, healthcare, and civil rights. It did not include initiatives specifically related to space exploration.

10. The question asks about the strategic blow the Tet Offensive had on the Americans. The correct answer is "The North Vietnamese captured key cities in South Vietnam." To determine this, you need to be familiar with the Tet Offensive, which was a massive military campaign launched by the North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War. It aimed to strike multiple cities and military installations simultaneously. The North Vietnamese forces managed to capture several key cities temporarily, causing significant psychological and morale damage to the American and South Vietnamese forces.