6 character computer password is made up of 4 numbers followed by 2 letters. How many different passwords are possible?

clearly repetition would be allowed in passwords, and I would assume we can start with zero as well

number of passwords
= (10^3)(26^2)
= ...

4 numbers 2 letters

(0-9) (26)



To find the number of different passwords that are possible, we need to calculate the number of combinations for each part of the password.

For the first part of the password, which consists of 4 numbers, there are 10 options for each digit (0-9). Since there are 4 digits, the total number of combinations for the numbers would be 10^4.

For the second part of the password, which consists of 2 letters, there are 26 options for each position, assuming we are considering only lowercase English letters.

To calculate the total number of passwords, we multiply the number of combinations for each part:

Total number of passwords = Number of combinations for numbers * Number of combinations for letters
= 10^4 * 26^2

Now, let's calculate:

Number of combinations for numbers = 10^4 = 10,000
Number of combinations for letters = 26^2 = 676

Total number of passwords = 10,000 * 676 = 6,760,000

Therefore, there are 6,760,000 different possible passwords.