I need help making a political cartoon. It needs to be about obama any help is greatly apreciated

What do you want to say about Obama? Do you you want to focus on a fault? Do you want to praise him for a specific reason?

Remember that political cartoons are usually exaggerated. Cartoonists draw him with big ears and a big mouth full of white teeth.

his fault like as in raising the taxes or distrapution

What do you mean by distrapution?

like how he says he wants to give the taxes or somthing like that to other people

Is this the word you mean?


All of our taxes go to other people. They pay for highways, schools, the military, salaries and perks of government officials, foreign aid, diplomats, stimulus checks, business aids, bailing out greedy companies, etc.

For your cartoon, you need to focus on just one aspect of Obama.

Creating a political cartoon about Barack Obama can be a fun and creative task. Here are some steps to help you get started:

1. Determine the focus: Decide on the specific theme or message you want your cartoon to convey. This could be related to a specific policy, event, characteristic, or critique of Obama's presidency.

2. Research: Gather information about the topic you've chosen. Look for key facts, events, or quotes related to Obama's political career that will strengthen your cartoon's message.

3. Sketch your ideas: Start by brainstorming and sketching out various visual concepts. Consider using symbols, metaphors, exaggeration, or caricature techniques to effectively convey your message.

4. Use recognizable imagery: Since your cartoon is about Obama, incorporating recognizable imagery associated with him can help viewers identify the subject easily. For example, you may include his characteristic hairstyle, his signature smile, or any other distinctive feature associated with him.

5. Play with symbolism: Political cartoons often use symbols or icons to represent broader ideas. Think about how you can incorporate symbols to support your message. For example, an eagle could represent America, or a broken ballot box could symbolize a critique of Obama's policies.

6. Focus on humor and satire: Political cartoons aim to entertain while conveying a serious message. Incorporate elements of humor and satire to engage your audience and make your cartoon memorable.

7. Keep it visually engaging: Pay attention to the composition, colors, and overall design of your cartoon. Simple, bold, and eye-catching visuals tend to work well in political cartoons.

8. Seek feedback: Once you've created your cartoon, it can be helpful to get feedback from others. Ask friends, family, or peers for their opinion to ensure your message is clear and effectively conveyed.

Remember, political cartoons should provoke thought and discussion, so make sure your message is clear and your cartoon remains respectful of differing opinions.