10.Read the following passage from walk to moons “Everybody is just walking along concerned with his own problems, his own life, his own worries. And we’re all expecting other people to tune into our own agenda.” Think about the how this theme is developed through the characters’ words and actions in the novel. Decide which character best illustrates this theme. Support your position using specific examples and evidence from the novel.

This passage makes the reader empathize with Gram that everyone is just concerned about his or her own self, think that this is the way most people live their lives. This definitely sets a mood of anger and frustration.

@Writeacher Thanks that helped alot!

sorry 1-9 are

10-12 are essay

Hey, I have one small favor I want from everyone on Jiskha, I hate how whenever I open a page of this website I see "Your a Lier" "Your wrong" "Don't Cheat" What is it to you if someone posts answers on the website, its not like your gonna get banned for seeing the post! Guys please just try to be mindful and keep your harmful words in your mouth not where it can hurt others. I hope that people will try to fulfill this favor as best that you guys can.

Like this comment if you want to change jiskha from a place filled with hate to a healthy learning environment :)
Sincerely- *gulp*

my mom helped with this one...but i don't suggest you copy and paste it


What is the flipping hamburgers answer

Kelly u cringy XD

Just Helping is correct

1 D
2 B
3 A
4 C
5 B
6 D
7 C
8 B
9 C

If you guys are saying the stuff is wrong than do it yourself? =-=