What was a main military strategy of the North?

A. to capture the Confederate capital in Atlanta
B. a naval blockade of all Southern ports
C. to invade the South over the Mason-Dixon Line


Yes, B.

The correct answer is B. The main military strategy of the North during the American Civil War was to establish a naval blockade of all Southern ports. This strategy aimed to cut off the Confederacy from international trade and prevent them from receiving supplies and support from abroad.

To arrive at this answer, you can use both historical knowledge and a process of elimination.

A. "To capture the Confederate capital in Atlanta" is not correct. While capturing Atlanta was an important objective for the Union, it was not the main military strategy. The capture of Atlanta came later in the war and was part of a larger campaign in the Western theater.

C. "To invade the South over the Mason-Dixon Line" is also not correct. The Mason-Dixon Line is a boundary between some Northern and Southern states but was not a significant factor in the overall military strategy of the North. The Union sought to invade the South and engage Confederate forces in various territories, but this was not limited to crossing the Mason-Dixon Line.

Therefore, based on the historical context and process of elimination, the correct answer is B, the naval blockade of all Southern ports.