What's the rule the function machine using, input 22,output 12,input 23,output 16,input 24,output 20,input 25,output24,input 26,output 28

in 22 23 24 25 26 <--- the x's

out12 16 20 24 28 <--- the y's

did you notice that for every increase of 1 in your x, the y increases by 4 ?

so we have y = 4x + b
plug in (22,12)
12 = 4(22) + b
b = -76

rule: y = 4x - 76

test it for some of the given values, it works!

To determine the rule of the function machine, we can observe the pattern in the inputs and outputs:

Input | Output
22 | 12
23 | 16
24 | 20
25 | 24
26 | 28

From the given data, it appears that the output is obtained by adding 4 to the input value. Therefore, the rule of the function machine seems to be: "add 4 to the input value to get the output value."

To determine the rule that the function machine is using, we need to analyze the pattern in the input-output pairs. Let's break it down step by step:

Input 22, Output 12
Input 23, Output 16
Input 24, Output 20
Input 25, Output 24
Input 26, Output 28

By observing the pattern, we can see that the output is increasing by 4 each time the input increases by 1. In other words, the rule seems to be adding 4 to the input value to get the corresponding output value.

To confirm this rule, we can test it with the next input value and see if it aligns with the observed pattern:

Input 27 -> Adding 4 to the input value, we should expect an output of 32.

If the output matches the expected value of 32, then we can conclude that the rule indeed involves adding 4 to the input. If not, we would need to reassess the pattern and consider other rules that might fit the given input-output pairs.

So, in this case, the rule for the function machine appears to be adding 4 to the input value to obtain the output value.