Label the subject and verb in each sentence.

1. She crept past the baby's crib.

Would the subject be she and the verb be crept?

Yes, you're right.

Thank you. And also, is loved a verb? Because it is the same directions and the sentence is, She loved walking..... However, isn't walking a verb to?

You're right, loved is the verb.

Walking is a verb form, but it's used as a noun here so is a gerund.

Yes, you are correct. In the sentence "She crept past the baby's crib," the subject is "she" and the verb is "crept." The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action or is being described in the sentence, and the verb is the action or state of being that the subject is doing or experiencing. In this case, "she" is the subject and "crept" is the past tense form of the verb "to creep," describing the action performed by the subject.