* A cat and a dog have a race. The cat’s strides are 30% shorter than the dog’s but it makes 30% more strides than the dog. Which of them will win the race?"

assuming the strides take the same amount of time, the dog wins.

1.30 * 0.70 = 0.91


Wait cat or dog

the dog

Wait where did you get 1.3 and 0.7

The dog wins

Where did you get 1.3 and 0.7 from?


To determine which animal will win the race, we need to compare their relative speeds. The cat's strides are 30% shorter than the dog's, which means that for every stride the dog takes, the cat will take 0.7 strides (100% - 30% = 70% or 0.7).

On the other hand, the cat makes 30% more strides than the dog. Since the cat takes 0.7 strides for every stride the dog takes, this means the cat will take 1.3 strides (100% + 30% = 130% or 1.3) for every stride the dog takes.

Now let's compare the distance covered within the same amount of time. Since the cat's strides are shorter compared to the dog, but it takes more strides, we can calculate the ratio of their relative speeds as follows:

Relative Speed of Cat = (Stride Length of Cat) X (Number of Strides of Cat)
Relative Speed of Dog = (Stride Length of Dog) X (Number of Strides of Dog)

Since we know that the cat takes 0.7 strides and the dog takes 1 stride, we can substitute these values into the equation:

Relative Speed of Cat = (0.7 strides) X (1.3 strides)
Relative Speed of Dog = 1 stride X 1 stride

Simplifying these equations, we get:

Relative Speed of Cat = 0.91 strides
Relative Speed of Dog = 1 stride

From the calculations, we can see that the relative speed of the cat is 0.91 strides and the relative speed of the dog is 1 stride. Therefore, the dog will win the race as its relative speed is higher compared to the cat.