Which of the following is important in encouraging travel between countries?

A) the ability to exchange currency *

B) giving travel discounts for Americans

C) creating a balance of trade

D) developing welcome centers

As an inveterate traveler, I also vote for A.

The Euro has made traveling in Europe much easier than it used to be.

To determine which of the options is important in encouraging travel between countries, we can analyze each option and assess its relevance.

A) The ability to exchange currency: This option is likely to be important in encouraging travel between countries. When individuals can easily convert their currency into the local currency of the destination country, it promotes financial convenience and enables them to engage in economic activities during their visit.

B) Giving travel discounts for Americans: While this option might incentivize travel for Americans, it does not necessarily encourage travel between countries in general. It focuses specifically on one nationality, which may not have a broad impact on international travel.

C) Creating a balance of trade: While maintaining a balance of trade is crucial for economic stability, it may not directly contribute to encouraging travel between countries. It pertains more to international commerce than promoting tourism.

D) Developing welcome centers: Welcome centers can play a role in fostering a positive impression and providing assistance to tourists in a destination country. Although they can enhance the travel experience, their direct impact on encouraging travel between countries may be limited.

Considering the analysis above, option A (the ability to exchange currency) seems to be the most important in encouraging travel between countries.