
(2x+1)/(x^2-16) - (x^2-6x-7)/x^2-11x+28
What I Got:



To solve the given problem:

1. Start by simplifying each fraction individually.

For the first fraction, (2x+1)/(x^2-16), notice that the denominator is a difference of squares. We can factor it as follows:

x^2 - 16 = (x-4)(x+4)

Therefore, the first fraction can be rewritten as:


For the second fraction, (x^2-6x-7)/(x^2-11x+28), notice that both the numerator and denominator can be factored. We can factor them as follows:

x^2 - 6x - 7 = (x-7)(x+1)
x^2 - 11x + 28 = (x-4)(x-7)

Therefore, the second fraction can be rewritten as:


2. Next, find the common denominator for the two fractions. In this case, the common denominator is (x-4)(x+4)(x-7).

3. To combine the fractions, multiply each fraction by the missing factor in the denominator to get the common denominator.

For the first fraction, multiply by (x-7)/(x-7):


For the second fraction, multiply by (x+4)/(x+4):


4. Now that we have the same denominator, we can subtract the fractions.

[(2x+1)(x-7) - (x-7)(x+1)(x+4)]/[(x-4)(x+4)(x-7)]

5. Simplify the numerator by expanding and combining like terms.

(2x^2 - 13x - 7 - x^3 - 4x^2 - 4x - 7x^2 - 28x - 28)/(x-4)(x+4)(x-7)

(-x^3 - 3x^2 - 3x - 42)/(x-4)(x+4)(x-7)

Therefore, the simplified expression is -x^3 - 3x^2 - 3x - 42 divided by (x-4)(x+4)(x-7), which matches with what you got.

Well done on solving the problem correctly! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!