1. Which word belongs in the blank?

______ compro el libro a Ana.
a) La
c) Lo
d) Ella

2. He brings us a cake on Sundays.
a) Nos trae un pastel...(MY ANSWER)
b) Me trae un pastel...
c) Les trae un pastel...
d) Os trae un pastel...

3. How would you ask your friend if he used to go to the beach as a child?
a) Iba a la playa de nino?
b) Iban a la playa de nino?
c) Ibas a la playa de nino? (MY ANSWER)
d) Ibamos a la playa de nino?

1. B
2. A
3. C

Am I right? Am I wrong? What is right?

Your answers are correct.

they're right :)

Did she get better oooorr??

Our Spanish expert has been hospitalized and is now recovering. I don't know when she'll be able to return to her computer.

1. The correct answer for the first question is actually (c) Lo.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the different types of pronouns in Spanish. In this sentence, "compro" translates to "I buy" and "el libro" means "the book." The missing word should refer to the direct object, which is "el libro."

(a) La and (d) Ella are incorrect because they refer to the feminine object, while "libro" is masculine. (b) Le is incorrect because it is an indirect object pronoun, which would be used if the sentence were "le compro algo a Ana" meaning "I buy something for Ana." The correct answer is (c) "Lo," which is the direct object pronoun for a masculine singular noun. Therefore, the sentence should be "Lo compro a Ana," meaning "I buy it from Ana."

2. The correct answer for the second question is indeed (a) Nos trae un pastel.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the different indirect object pronouns in Spanish. In this sentence, "trae" translates to "brings," and "nos" means "us." The correct answer is (a) "Nos trae," indicating that "he brings us a cake on Sundays."

(b) Me refers to the first person singular and should be used if the sentence were "He brings me a cake on Sundays." (c) Les refers to the third person plural and would be used if the sentence were "He brings them a cake on Sundays." (d) Os refers to the second person plural and would be used if the sentence were "He brings you all a cake on Sundays."

3. The correct answer for the third question is indeed (c) Ibas a la playa de niño?

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand how to form a question in Spanish. The verb "iba" means "used to go," and "a la playa" means "to the beach." The correct structure to form a question in Spanish is to invert the subject and verb. Therefore, the correct question would be "Ibas a la playa de niño?" meaning "Did you used to go to the beach as a child?"

(a) Iba a la playa de niño? is incorrect because it is a statement, not a question. (b) Iban a la playa de niño? is incorrect because it uses the wrong subject pronoun "iban," which means "they used to go." (d) Ibamos a la playa de niño? is incorrect because it also uses the wrong subject pronoun "íbamos," which means "we used to go."

So, you are correct in the second and third questions, but the first question has the incorrect answer.