Parallelogram ABC is translated up 2 units. What are the coordinates of the new parallelogram?

A (3, 1)
B (7, 1)
C (5, 6)
D (1, 6)

Need more data.

Typos? ABCD?

To find the coordinates of the new parallelogram after being translated up by 2 units, you need to add 2 to the y-coordinate of each point.

Let's apply this to each point:

Point A: (3, 1)
After translating up by 2 units, the new coordinate for A is (3, 1 + 2) = (3, 3).

Point B: (7, 1)
After translating up by 2 units, the new coordinate for B is (7, 1 + 2) = (7, 3).

Point C: (5, 6)
After translating up by 2 units, the new coordinate for C is (5, 6 + 2) = (5, 8).

Point D: (1, 6)
After translating up by 2 units, the new coordinate for D is (1, 6 + 2) = (1, 8).

Therefore, the coordinates of the new parallelogram are:
A' (3, 3)
B' (7, 3)
C' (5, 8)
D' (1, 8)