You use a line of best fit for a set of data to make a prediction about an unknown value. The correlation coefficient for your data set is 0.109. How confident can you be that your predicted value will be reasonably close to the actual value?

A)I can’t be confident at all; this is about as close to a random guess as you can get.
B)I can be a little confident; it might be close, or it might be way off. ***
C)I can be very confident; it will be close, but it probably won’t be exact.
D)I can be certain that my predicted value will match the actual value exactly.

Is this correct?

Well aren't you a passive-agressive cheater, Scarlet. Either way, thanks for updating.

But if you're gonna cheat don't be rude to people if they don't help you lmao

For question 45. On the semester A test it’s A (0.956)

Please help me with that test!!

@Scarlet what were your answers?

Guys how about you explain it because some of us is not sure of our selfs. So PLZ PLZ PLZ be kind and think if you was in that same situation wouldn't you like to understand it

It’s not a

I dont know and im too afraid to find out

pls help

its c