On a Works Cited page, which of the following should be in italics?

title of a book**************
title of a webpage
title of a short story
title of a newspaper article

Yes, A.

Thank you

You're welcome.

To determine which of the options should be in italics on a Works Cited page, you need to follow the citation style guidelines you are using. The most commonly used style for academic writing is the Modern Language Association (MLA) style.

According to the MLA style guidelines, the title of a book should be italicized when listed on a Works Cited page. Therefore, the correct option in this case is:

- Title of a book (should be italicized)

On the other hand, the remaining options should be formatted differently:

- Title of a webpage (should be in quotation marks)
- Title of a short story (should be in quotation marks)
- Title of a newspaper article (should be in quotation marks)

It is important to consult the specific citation style guide you are using or refer to reliable online resources for accurate and up-to-date information on how to format different types of sources on a Works Cited page.