Is the following an example of a simile, metaphor, paradox, or personification?

Her novel was a passport to adventure.
A. simile
B. metaphor
C. paradox
D. personification


You are correct its a metaphor

Yes, you and Mike are correct.

Thank you so much Mike and Reed :D

B. Metaphor is correct! Good job! :D

thanks Ally :D


Yes, the correct answer is B. metaphor.

To understand why this statement is a metaphor, let's break it down:

A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two different things without using "like" or "as." In this case, the statement compares the novel to a passport, implying that the novel can transport the reader into an adventure, just as a passport allows someone to travel to different places.

To identify the figure of speech used in a sentence like this, you can look for words or phrases that suggest a comparison or connection between two unrelated things. In this particular sentence, the word "was" indicates that the novel is being equated to a passport, making it a metaphor.