Can you tell me if I am right or wrong with my answers, please? I am trying to complete my study guide.

1. What island did Rome gain control of as a result of the first Punic War?
My Answer: Sicily and Corsica

2. The expansion of Rome during the Punic Wars contributed to the downfall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the?
My Answer: Roman Empire

3. The Third Punic War resulted in Rome defeating and capturing?
My Answer: Carthage

#1 - wrong

#2 and #3 - correct

is number 1 just Sicily?

It's not Sicily at all!

Please tell me it is Corsica. Or maybe point me to the right direction.

Sure! I can help you check your answers and provide explanations.

1. What island did Rome gain control of as a result of the first Punic War?
Your Answer: Sicily and Corsica
Correct Answer: Sicily

Explanation: During the First Punic War (264-241 BC), Rome gained control of Sicily, which was then a strategically important island in the Mediterranean. While Rome did gain some control over Corsica during this time, it wasn't a direct result of the First Punic War.

2. The expansion of Rome during the Punic Wars contributed to the downfall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the?
Your Answer: Roman Empire
Correct Answer: Roman Empire

Explanation: Your answer is correct! The expansion of Rome during the Punic Wars, along with other factors, contributed to the decline of the Roman Republic and the subsequent rise of the Roman Empire. The expansion of territories, influx of wealth, and the changing dynamics of power played a significant role in this transition.

3. The Third Punic War resulted in Rome defeating and capturing?
Your Answer: Carthage
Correct Answer: Carthage

Explanation: Well done! The Third Punic War (149-146 BC) resulted in the complete destruction of Carthage, with Rome capturing and enslaving its population. This war effectively marked the end of Carthage and ensured Roman dominance in the western Mediterranean.

Overall, you did a great job with your answers! Keep up the good work with your study guide. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask.