I just have a few questions for anyone who is good with Spanish.

1. De pequeno Jorge ___ con un tren electrico.
a) jugaba
b) juega
c) juego
d) jugaban

2. Ustedes ___ muy traviesas!
a) eramos
b) eran
c) era
d) eras

3. Translate to Spanish "He gives me flowers once in a while."
a) Le da flores de vez en cuando.
b) Me da flores de vez en cuando.
c) Les da flores de vez en cuando.
d) Te da flores de vez en cuando.

My answers are:
1. a) Jugaba
2. b) eran
3. b) Me da flores de vez en cuando.

Am I right? Am I wrong? Reasoning please?

looks good to me.

For anyone who is curious those answers are correct.

Thank you Trish

Your answers are partially correct.

1. De pequeno Jorge ___ con un tren electrico.
The correct answer is a) jugaba. This is because when referring to actions in the past, "jugaba" is the correct conjugation of the verb "jugar" for the third person singular pronoun "Jorge".

2. Ustedes ___ muy traviesas!
The correct answer is b) eran. This is because "ustedes" is the second person plural pronoun, and the conjugation of the verb "ser" for the second person plural is "eran".

3. Translate to Spanish "He gives me flowers once in a while."
The correct answer is a) Le da flores de vez en cuando. This is because "le" is the indirect object pronoun that corresponds to "me" (the direct object pronoun). The verb "dar" means "to give" and should be conjugated as "da" for the third person singular. The phrase "de vez en cuando" means "once in a while" and should be placed at the end of the sentence.

So, to summarize:
1. a) jugaba is correct.
2. b) eran is correct.
3. a) Le da flores de vez en cuando is correct.