why is born haber cycle not generally used to consider the energy changes involved in the formation of solid silicon(IV)oxide SiO2

Look at the boiling point of Si

it has a very high melting point I get it. but what does it mean? why is it a factor?

The Born-Haber cycle is a useful tool for determining the energy changes involved in the formation of ionic compounds using various thermochemical data. However, it is not generally used to consider the energy changes involved in the formation of solid silicon(IV) oxide (SiO2) due to the following reasons:

1. Covalent nature: Silicon dioxide is a covalent compound, meaning it consists of covalent bonds between silicon and oxygen atoms rather than ionic bonds. The Born-Haber cycle is primarily applicable to ionic compounds where the formation and dissociation of ions occur.

2. Lack of lattice energy: The Born-Haber cycle relies on the concept of lattice energy, which is the energy required to separate one mole of solid ionic compound into gaseous ions. Since silicon dioxide does not possess ions, the concept of lattice energy is not applicable.

3. Multiple bond types: Silicon dioxide can exist in various structures, including crystalline forms and amorphous forms. Each structure involves a different type of bonding and arrangement of the silicon and oxygen atoms, making the application of a single Born-Haber cycle difficult.

4. Complex formation process: The formation of silicon dioxide involves multiple possible pathways, such as the oxidation of silicon or the reaction of silicon halides with water. These processes typically require multiple steps and intermediate species formation, making it challenging to represent them accurately using a simple Born-Haber cycle.

In summary, the Born-Haber cycle is not generally used to consider the energy changes involved in the formation of solid silicon(IV) oxide (SiO2) due to its covalent nature, lack of applicable lattice energy, multiple bond types, and complex formation processes.

The Born-Haber cycle is a useful tool in understanding the energy changes involved in the formation of ionic compounds, but it is not typically used for the formation of silicon(IV) oxide (SiO2) due to a few reasons:

1. Bonding Nature: Silicon dioxide is a covalent compound, meaning it consists of covalent bonds formed between silicon and oxygen atoms. The Born-Haber cycle is primarily designed to analyze the formation of ionic compounds, where electrons are transferred from one atom to another. Since covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons, the Born-Haber cycle is not directly applicable.

2. Lack of Lattice Energy: The Born-Haber cycle typically includes the calculation of lattice energy, which represents the energy required to break apart a crystal lattice into individual ions. However, silicon dioxide does not have a crystal lattice structure like ionic compounds. Instead, it forms a network of covalent bonds in a three-dimensional structure known as a tetrahedral arrangement. Thus, there is no lattice energy term to consider in the Born-Haber cycle for SiO2.

3. Limited Applicability: Born-Haber cycle is best suited for compounds with distinct cation and anion entities, where ionization energy, electron affinity, and lattice energy can be accurately measured or approximated. In the case of silicon dioxide, these parameters are not as well-defined or easily quantifiable, making their inclusion in the Born-Haber cycle difficult.

To consider the energy changes involved in the formation of silicon dioxide (SiO2), it is more appropriate to use the concepts of covalent bonding and the enthalpy of formation. These concepts focus on the energy changes associated with the formation of covalent bonds between silicon and oxygen atoms, rather than the ionic interactions analyzed by the Born-Haber cycle.