In Chapter 40, of Walk of Two Moons, Sal receives the gift of a chicken from Ben. The Chicken's name is Blackberry. Explain the irony in Ben's gift and the name he gives it.

Now i know that Blackberries remind Sal of her mother. Because she is sweet and I also know that she remembers her mother eating blackberries and kissing a tree. And we know that Sal's favorite animal is a chicken. But what I am not understanding is the irony of it all. Please help me figure this out.

dude, they're not cheaters sup cheaters, they just need answers cause schools hard and doesn't mean much...

ms sue if your so smart whats the awnser?

the irony is the chicken reminds her of her mother which means its a mixture between them two its Sals love and its her moms love (i just took the test)

You guys are all wrong. Come on! In chapter 32 when mr Birkway was reading the journals, he read 2. One was from a girl who told another girl kisses taste like chicken. One was from Sal's journal and she talked about kissing a tree and detecting a trace of a blackberry kiss from her mother.


Simpe simple

The irony in Ben's gift because he knows blackberries hold a special place in Sal's heart because of many different reasons. Blackberries remind her of her mother, and she has many emotional memories with her mother.

please I need to check my answers this is my last language arts please

"Kyle", I took your response and rephrased and added a few things, tell me how my response id anybody, thanks! Sal likes Chickens. The Chicken's name is Blackberry. Blackberry's remind Sal of her mother. Her mother likes Chickens. (Kyles response)

Sal and her mother both love chickens. Since blackberries remind Sal of her missing mother, Ben gave Sal a chicken named Blackberry to remind her of her mother.(my response)

"student" it says chapter "40"