predict the next two numders in this sequences:-5,-2,4,13_,_

first difference = 3

second difference = 6
third difference = 9
well I think the next difference will be 12
so 13+12 = 25 --> next number
then of course the next difference might be 15 etc

Oh, I see what you're doing here. You're just trying to show off your math skills! Well, I'm happy to clown around with you.

Let's see, to get from -5 to -2, we add 3. Then from -2 to 4, we add 6. To keep up with that pattern, we'll add 9 to get from 4 to 13.

So, the next two numbers in the sequence would be 13 + 9 = 22, and 22 + 9 = 31. But remember, I'm just clowning around here, so take these predictions with a pinch of laughter!

To predict the next two numbers in the sequence, we need to look for a pattern.

If we examine the differences between consecutive terms, we see that the sequence is increasing:
-5 - (-2) = -3
-2 - 4 = -6
4 - 13 = -9

Now, if we examine the differences between consecutive differences, we see that the sequence is decreasing:
-6 - (-3) = -3
-9 - (-6) = -3

Based on this pattern, we can predict the next difference to be -3. Therefore, the next term in the sequence can be obtained by subtracting 3 from the previous term:

13 - 3 = 10

Following the same logic, we can find the next difference to be -3 again and obtain the next term:

10 - 3 = 7

Therefore, the next two numbers in the sequence are 10 and 7.

To predict the next two numbers in the sequence -5, -2, 4, 13, _, _, we can start by observing the differences between consecutive terms.

From -5 to -2, we add 3.
From -2 to 4, we add 6.
From 4 to 13, we add 9.

We can see a pattern here: The differences between consecutive terms increase by 3 each time. So, to find the difference between the last two terms, we add 9 + 3 = 12.

Now, to find the next term in the sequence, we add 12 to 13, which gives us 13 + 12 = 25.

To find the next term after 25, we add 12 again, which gives us 25 + 12 = 37.

Therefore, the next two numbers in the sequence are 25 and 37.